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Showing articles from Service Desk tag

What is a Catalog Item? and How to configure it?

What is a Service Catalog? Service Catalog is a single source of information on the various services, service and product offerings of an organisation available to the employees for requesting. It helps in standardising the request management and request fulfilment process and to improve the overall operation effici…

What is Service Request Management?

What are Service Requests? Service requests  can be defined as formal  requests made by end-users to acquire specific services, assistance, or information from a team, vendor or employee . They differ from incidents as they are not centered around unplanned interruptions or quality reductions in services, but ra…

How to use filters and setup custom filters in Service Desk?

Using filters, agents can drill down the incidents in a specific queue to match certain conditions based on their need and use cases. Team filter in the Left Panel * Team filters will be available in the left panel of the incident listing page below the Queues. * This will help the agents to quickly naviga…

List of Account Level Management Permissions in Service Desk

Account Settings Permissions 1. Manage Account Settings This permission will allow the user to make changes to the Account Settings like Company Name, Timezone, Language, Country code and other personalization settings of the service desk account. Agents Permissions 1. Manage Agents in the Account This p…

What are Asset Models in Service Desk?

Asset Models refers to a collection of different products. Creating multiple asset models helps organising and differentiating various configurations of a product. Creating new asset models will help in identifying specific variants of a model and simplifies the asset tracking for IT teams. How to create a Asset M…

How to setup an email channels in ServiceDesk?

What are Email Channels? * Email Channels are one of the communication methods through which end-users can raise incidents. * They are configured such that whenever a mail is sent by a end-user to the email channel, an incident will be created automatically in service desk. * It is also the email address that is …

List of Managerial Permissions for Team Roles

Agents Permission(s) 1. Manage Agents in a Team This permission will allow the user to access the Agents within the Team(s) they are part of under Service Desk > Manage > Teams . They will be able to do the following actions, * Access Agents tab within the Team(s) they are part of. * Add existing agents to th…

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