You can export tickets from your Service Desk by going to Reports and Exports on the left navigation menu. However, you'll need the "Export Incident Reports" managerial permission to access this feature. Applicable Plans: ✔️Mighty ✔️Fantastic ✔️Enterprise ✔️Enterprise Plus Guide to Exporting Your Tickets: …
Multi-Area Chart: A Multi-area chart is used to compare trends of multiple numeric values across another variable. The variable that is analysed is on the X-axis and multiple numeric values are aggregated on the Y-axis as individual area graphs. Steps to build a Multi-area chart using HappyFox BI: Basic Sett…
What are Visualization templates? Visualization templates are pre-built visualizations curated for certain use cases. You can make use of them to quickly create visualizations. Choose the template of your choice from the list and drag it to your page. The visualization would get loaded based on the data in your ac…
Bar Chart: A bar chart is best used to summarize numerical values across a category. The variable that is analysed is on X-axis and a numeric value is aggregated on the other Y-axis. The length of each bar is proportionate to the aggregated value. Steps to build a Bar chart using HappyFox BI: Basic Settings * …
Line Chart: A line chart is generally used to display trends over a time period. The variable that is analysed is on the X-axis and a numeric value is aggregated on the Y-axis. To analyse multiple numeric values, a Multi-line chart is used. Steps to build a line chart using HappyFox BI: Basic Settings * …
Sorting allows us to rearrange the order of the dataset based on our requirements. A visualization can be sorted based on a field that is not used in the current visualization as well. More than one field can be used to sort a visualization. How to sort a visualization? * Click the ‘edit’ icon on the top right…
HappyFox Reports supports two color modes: * Light mode * Dark mode (Widgets have inverted colors with a dark theme) Dark theme is introduced to emphasize more on the numbers and charts while looking at them for an extended period of time or relaying them on a big screen. Available only on the New "Reports" modu…
HappyFox BI allows you to custom group the values of a numeric field into buckets to help visualize the data across groups. For instance, Let’s say you want to view the total number of tickets whose first response time is within 0-5 hours and 5-10 hours respectively. The first response time field can be grouped in…
Filter and its types: There are three types of filters available within HappyFox BI, * Implicit filter * Explicit filter * Top N filter Implicit filters: Implicit filters allow users to choose a field to be a custom filter on the visualization. Implicit filter values are set in the settings tab and …
With the Smart Rule Report, you can monitor the Smart Rules that require improvements and aim to deliver a refined automation-rich customer support experience. Available on Fantastic and above pricing plans Important Note: This article is about the new reimagined "Smart Rule Report". If you're looking for Ha…