You can export tickets from your Service Desk by going to Reports and Exports on the left navigation menu. However, you'll need the "Export Incident Reports" managerial permission to access this feature. Applicable Plans: ✔️Mighty ✔️Fantastic ✔️Enterprise ✔️Enterprise Plus Guide to Exporting Your Tickets: …
Assets can be exported to spreadsheets in HappyFox help desk in a single click. Follow the below steps to export all the assets from a particular asset type. Applicable Plans: ✖️ Basic ✖️ Team ✔️ Pro ✔️ Enterprise PRO ✔️ Growth ✔️ Scale ✔️ Scale Plus ✔️ Ultimate * Navigate to the Asset Management module. * From…
To export the tickets from your help desk, please navigate to Reports >> Exports from the module switcher. If you don't see this option, make sure your agent role has the managerial permission "Export reports". Available for all plans Quick Guide to export your tickets to spreadsheets: * Navigate to Report >> E…
NEW FEATURE UPDATE: You can now export all your Contacts directly from the Contacts list page. Refer to thisfor more details You can export your HappyFox contacts through reports to a .csv or .xls file leveraging the power of HappyFox Reports. Available in all pricing plans. Tip: You can also export Contacts us…