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Showing articles from custom fields tag

How to configure Custom fields for Requester and Requester Groups in Service Desk?

Custom fields can be created for the following entities in Service Desk. 1. **Requesters** 2. **Requester Groups** ## Required Permission(s) **Manage Requester Custom fields** **Manage Requester Group Custom fields** * Admins with this permission can view, create, edit and delete custom fields of Requester…

What are primary contact groups?

For every contact created in Happyfox and which has at least one contact group associated, you can set a primary contact group for that contact. This primary group contact will then be used as the contact group for the tickets created by the contact. For example, a customer who raises tickets for two different contac…

Customize the display name of fields shown to your customers

HappyFox allows you rename your custom field's label for contacts/customers. This functionality is currently applicable only to the pre-login "End-user" [new ticket creation forms][1]. **Heads up ❇️:** This feature is available only to _select beta_ customers. Please reach out to [][2] for more in…

Using API to Set Multiple-Option Custom Fields

HappyFox allows users to create both Ticket & Contact custom fields. These custom fields can be of different types ranging from Text, Number, Date to Multiple-Option. In this article, let us explore how a Multiple-Option custom field can be set via API using PHP. ![][1] _**Sample Multiple-Option custom field**_ An …

Customizing your New Ticket Creation Form

HappyFox's New Ticket Creation Form helps you take feedback/support-tickets from your customers. This form is displayed by default in your support center. You can access this page at This form consists of two components - ticket fields & contact fields: * Ticket fields are those …

Create Ticket/Contact custom fields

Custom fields can be used to store additional information about a ticket/contact. Custom fields are of two types 1. **Ticket custom fields: **These are used to collect more information about the ticket, the issue type of the ticket, etc. 2. **Contact custom fields:** These are used to collect more information ab…

Manage ticket custom fields

Ticket custom fields lets you collect additional data about the ticket like Order ID, Shipping Address, Issue Type, apart from the basic properties such as status, priority , category or contact. Ticket custom fields can be later used to create ticket queues, filters or run reports on. > **Plan**: All plans ## How t…

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