Custom fields can be created for the following entities in Service Desk. * Requesters * Requester Groups Required Permission(s) Manage Requester Custom fields Manage Requester Group Custom fields * Admins with this permission can view, create, edit and delete custom fields of Requester Groups. * Both of the…
For every contact created in Happyfox and which has at least one contact group associated, you can set a primary contact group for that contact. This primary group contact will then be used as the contact group for the tickets created by the contact. For example, a customer who raises tickets for two different con…
HappyFox allows you rename your custom field's label for contacts/customers. This functionality is currently applicable only to the pre-login "End-user" new ticket creation forms . Heads up ❇️: This feature is available only toselect betacustomers. Please reach out tofor more information. To customize the "Display …
Custom fields can be used to store additional information about a ticket/contact. Custom fields are of two types * Ticket custom fields: These are used to collect more information about the ticket, the issue type of the ticket, etc. * Contact custom fields: These are used to collect more information about the co…
HappyFox's New Ticket Creation Form helps you take feedback/support-tickets from your customers. This form is displayed by default in your support center. You can access this page at This form consists of two components - ticket fields & contact fields: * Ticket fields are those …
Ticket custom fields lets you collect additional data about the ticket like Order ID, Shipping Address, Issue Type, apart from the basic properties such as status, priority , category or contact. Ticket custom fields can be later used to create ticket queues, filters or run reports on. Available on all subscription…