HappyFox has now added an additional feature, which lets the customers to view the due date, assignee and time spent on the ticket from the customer portal. To enable the visibility of due date, assignee and time spent to the customers. 1. Log-in to the Staff Portal. 2. Navigate to Main Menu > Support Center -> S…
This article contains steps on how to change Ticket Properties from a ticket detail page. Watch a Feature Walkthrough 📽: The ticket properties that can be changed from the ticket detail page are as follows: * Ticket Status * Assignee * Category * Due Date * Priority There are basically two ways in which t…
Due Dates play a crucial role in delivering prompt customer support. Manually updating due dates for similar tickets might be cumbersome. Additionally, you may want to perform ticketing actions on multiple tickets due on a particular day. HappyFox's automation suite lets you automatically set due dates on ticke…