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Home > HappyFox Help Desk > Account Configuration > Self Service > Support Center 🆕 > Customizing your Support Center Article Details Page
Customizing your Support Center Article Details Page
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HappyFox's support center builder lets you customize the visual appeal of your article details page. You can customize everything on your article details page from feedback to related articles  – all by using a simple widget-based builder⚡️.

Heads up ❇️: The latest edition of the HappyFox support center is available only to select beta customers. This will be made available to existing customers soon.
Applicable Plans: ✔️ Mighty ✔️ Fantastic ✔️ Enterprise ✔️ Enterprise Plus

A quick guide to customize your Article Details Page:

Permission Alert 🔐: Your role would require "Manage Support Center settings" & "Customize look and feel of Support Center pages" permissions to access the article details page builder.
  • Log in to your HappyFox agent panel.
  • Navigate to Support Center >> Look and Feel from the module switcher.
  • Click "Article Details" from the list of pages available for customization.
  • Customize the various "Layout options" on the right sidebar with relevant configurations.
  • Use the handy "toggle" inside a layout option to show/hide the widget.
  • Click "Save" to save the current configuration as a draft. The changes saved will now reflect on the inbuilt site preview.
  • Click "Publish" to confirm your changes made to your actual support center article details page.


Layout options components explained:

  • Article Information:
    • Article information includes key article details such as view count, article author, and last updated date. The visibility of each of these components can be toggled.
    • It is always present just below the article title.
  • On this page:
    • This section acts as an outline for anchored parts in your article. Learn more about anchoring your KB article here.
    • It is always present on the top of the right pane.
  • Tags:
    • This section lists current tags linked with the article.
    • The display position of this section can be specified - either in the right or bottom panes.
  • Share this:
    • This section displays popular social media sharing hotlinks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. The visibility of each of these components can be toggled.
    • The display position of this section can be specified - either in the right or bottom panes.
  • Related Articles:
    • This section displays other articles related to the one the user is currently viewing.
    • The number of related articles, along with the sort order can be specified.
    • The display position of this section can be specified - either in the right or bottom panes.
  • Feedback:
    • This section enables end-users to provide constructive feedback on your article.
    • It is always present on the bottom pane.
  • Custom Text Area:
    • This section can be used to add custom texts and images specific to the support center article details page.
    • It is always present on the bottom pane.
  • Attachments:
    • This section displays any files attached to the article.
    • The display position of this section can be specified - either in the right or bottom panes.

Reordering layout options components:

Once display positions of all widgets are confirmed, the "right" and "bottom" pane components can be re-ordered.

Click "Reorder" adjacent to Layout options, choose either right or bottom pane, and specify the display order for your support center article details page.

  • The article information and On this page sections cannot be re-ordered and they always take their respective positions. 
  • Click and drag the component above or below another component for re-ordering. Changes made to the order are saved to draft in real-time.


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