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Support Center version 2.0 - What's Changed?
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With a brand new design, several new features and enhancements, Support Center v2 is the latest edition of HappyFox's customer-facing self-service module. This module is available for all HappyFox customers using the new Agent portal experience. This article also contains details to switch to v2.0 Support Center. But first, Let's start with the basics!

What's new in Support Center v2?

  • Widget based page builder is introduced for prominent support center pages: 
    • Home Page Learn more.
      • New Features Introduced:
        • Ability to Feature certain KB sections on the Home page with/without images.
        • Ability to Feature certain KB Articles on the Home page.
        • Ability to customize header and footer components (Links, Logos, etc).
        • Ability to customize Banner images and custom text areas.
        • Ability to re-order the widgets present on the Home page.
    • Article Details Page Learn more
      • New Features Introduced:
        • On this Page (outline for anchored parts on KB articles)
        • Advanced Article Feedback collection and Tracking.
        • Ability to customize visibility and components of widgets present in the Article details page.
        • External Article formatting will now look closer to the form agent-side article management page (Browse).
    • Login Page Learn more:
      • New Features Introduced:
        • Ability to customize Banner images and welcome texts on the login page.
        • Ability to Feature certain KB articles on the login page.
        • Ability to modify texts and buttons present inside the Login page.
    • New ticket form page Learn more.
      • New Features Introduced:
        • Ability to modify the display names of custom fields in the new ticket form.
        • Ability to modify headings and buttons present in the new ticket form.
        • Ability to provide default values for custom fields in the new ticket form.
        • Ability to add a custom text area to the new ticket form.
        • Ability to re-order the ticket and contact fields inside the new ticket form.
        • Ability to include help texts for custom fields inside the new ticket form.
  • Centralized fonts and color customization for Support Center: (Applicable to All plans)
    • Brand new page with options to customize the overall colors and fonts of the support center. Learn more.
    • Over 100+ Font families are now supported by your Support Center.
  • Advanced code customization support for Support Center: (Applicable to all plans)
    • Ability to customize support center code using Custom JavaScript and CSS.
    • Introduced <head> customization to support the addition of tracking codes like Google Analytics.
    • Rich Code support with Syntax highlighting and Line number indicators introduced.
  • Advanced Multi-Lingual Support: (Available to Fantastic and Above plans)
    • Centralized management page for Languages introduced inside Manage >> Languages introduced.
    • Support Center now supports over 39 different languages.
    • In-App module to translate Support Center texts into multiple languages introduced.
  • Enhanced SEO Support: (Applicable to All plans)
    • Ability to provide meta titles, descriptions and tags for prominent pages such as Home Page, 
    • Ability to ask Search Engines not to index the support center.
    • Ability to generate a publically available sitemap (To submit to tools like Google Search Console).
    • Ability to provide meta titles, descriptions and tags for KB articles.
    • Abilty to provide open graph twitter/facebook meta for social media sharing.

How to Switch to the v2.0 Support Center?

  • Only account administrators can perform this action.
  • Go to Manage >> Account Settings >> Support Center Version Toggle, mark the “Enable Support Center 2.0” checkbox, and click save.
  • Your account will now have v2.0 Support Center enabled.
  • You can build your v2.0 SC during weekends, where customers are less likely to visit your support center. You could also put up an "Under construction" announcement banner.
  • To switch back to v1.0 support center, you'll have to disable the "Enable Support Center 2.0" checkbox and hit save.
  • Note: Support Center v1.0 is scheduled for deprecation in 2021. Exact date is not yet finalized.

What to do after the support center is upgraded to version 2?

The first thing you'll notice is the introduction of the "Support Center" in your Module Switcher. Click it to access the brand-new Support Center builder.


Follow the below steps to successfully complete the manual migration of settings:

  1. Update your company logo and Support Center name. Go to Support Center >> Look and Feel >> Home >> Header to make these changes.
  2. Update the links present in your header. Go to Support Center >> Look and Feel >> Home >> Header >> List of Links to make these changes. You could even add custom links to the header. 
  3. If you had enabled "Announcement" Texts in v1 support center, you can configure the same for v2 in  Support Center >> Look and Feel >> Home >> Announcement. 
  4. If you had entered custom message after new ticket creation in v1 support center, you can configure the same for v2 in Support Center >> Look and Feel >> New Ticket >> Custom message after ticket creation.
  5. If you had configured "Section template on KB home page" in the v1 support center, you can configure the same for v2 in Support Center >> Look and Feel >> Home >> Top Sections >> Section Template. 
  6. If you had enabled "Display request new account button on login page" in the v1 support center, you can toggle the same for v2 in Support Center >> Look and Feel >> Login >> Login >> Visibility >> Request new account.
  7. If you had enabled "Display submit ticket options in support center" in the v1 support center, you can toggle the same for v2 in Support Center >> Look and Feel >> Login >> Login >> Visibility >> Submit a ticket.
  8. If you had enabled "Display captcha for end-user forms" in the v1 support center, you can toggle the same for v2 in Support Center >> Look and Feel >> Login >> Captcha.



Important note: If you have configured multi-brands in your helpdesk, you might need to revisit the above setting for each multi-brand. To toggle multi-brand for customization, look out for the brand name dropdown on the top right of your look and feel page.

Voila! You're all set to customize your new support center! Feel free to explore the Knowledgebase articles listed here for guidance throughout your customization journey!


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