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Using the Contact Portal
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Every user who raises a ticket in your help desk through any medium automatically becomes a contact. Help desk Administrators can make users create an account in their support portal and have them login before they create/track tickets or look at Knowledge base solutions. Alternatively, contacts can also use single-sign-on through Google, Okta, Twitter, or others to log in. 


Tip for Help desk Admins:  By default, Email and password is the default mode of login for contacts. Help desk administrators can configure the mode of login through the contact portal settings.


Creating an account in your contact portal

A new user can create an account by clicking the "Request new Account' button on the login page of their help desk support center.



The Request new account form will collect the user's name and email address. Captcha will be present to prevent spam signups. User activation email gets sent once users request a new account.


Tip for Help desk Admins: If you would like to restrict your customers from signing up and/or logging into the customer portal, you can modify the settings as required. An article on how you can customize this access can be found here.


Logging into your contact portal account:


Registered users can click on Login in the header of the customer portal. This takes them to the login page, where they can use the traditional login or Single sign-on (If configured) to log in to their contact portal.


Creating tickets from Portal:

Now that the user has signed into your help desk as a contact, they would be able to view to track tickets created by them and raise new tickets.


To create tickets,

  • After your users login , they can click on the New ticket link on the header as indicated:


  • They will be taken to your ticket form where they can fill out information like their 'Subject', 'Message' and a 'Category' of the issue they are facing, along with the additional information such as 'Due Date', 'Priority' and "Additional Fields" about the issue. They can also attach files to their tickets.

  • If you have your Knowledge Base set up, HappyFox will suggest the solution articles based on what they type in the subject box. This will help your users self-serve themselves.
  • Once they hit the 'Submit' button, their ticket will be created in your help desk.
  • The ticket submitter will be taken to the ticket details page where they can check the status of the ticket, add replies and monitor resolution.


Tip for Help Desk Admins: By default, anybody visiting your support center can submit support requests and view your knowledge base without logging in. You can also force them to log in before they can use your portal. Learn more here.


Tracking Ticket Progress from Contact Portal

At any point, the contact would be able to login and check the status of the tickets they have raised by clicking on the "My Tickets" link in the header.



A ticket can be at the various stages of completion. The contact can out tickets that are pending by clicking the "Pending Tickets" Queue. They can also visit the "Completed" or "All Tickets" queue to view the corresponding tickets. Contacts can also view all the tickets they've raised in a particular category, by clicking the category name from the left navigation bar.



Pro Tip: For contacts who raise large volume of tickets, Filters, Sort options and search functionality can help them navigate to their desired ticket 


To get to know more details about the ticket or pen a ticket reply, the contact has to click the corresponding ticket row to go to the ticket details page. Here, the contact can find more details about the ticket, namely the ticket properties (Right side bar) or the current conversations with the agent. The contact can also choose to respond to the ticket by clicking the "Reply button".




If the contact is satisfied with the resolution, he/she can mark the ticket as complete by himself/herself.



Tip for Admins: You can toggle the ability for contacts to close tickets on their own. Learn more


Other Points to note for Contacts:


  • If contact is part of a contact group, they can see all the tickets raised by other members of their contact group.
  • If the help desk has configured the "Contact Group Available Time" feature, then contacts will be seeing their leftover time, etc.

Contacts will see the above information as alerts inside their "My Tickets" page.


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