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GitLab Integration
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From project planning and source code management to CI/CD and monitoring, GitLab is a complete DevOps platform, delivered as a single application. HappyFox integration with GitLab enables support teams to collaborate seamlessly with engineering teams in their organization.


Applicable HappyFox Plans:

  • Enterprise and above. (Agent-Based Pricing)
  • All Plans. (Unlimited Agents Pricing)

HappyFox-GitLab integration works with all pricing plans of GitLab. Both SaaS and Self-Managed editions of GitLab are supported.

Integration Summary:

GitLab integration with HappyFox enables agents to

  • Create a new issue in GitLab from within a ticket and link it.

    • Link an existing issue with a ticket.

    • Edit an issue linked with a ticket.

  • Synchronize GitLab issue-comments with HappyFox ticket updates/private-notes.

  • Synchronize Attachments between GitLab issue

  • Auto-close of HappyFox ticket, when linked GitLab issue, is closed.

Integrating GitLab with HappyFox requires the following two steps

Authorizing HappyFox to connect to GitLab: (SaaS Variant)

  1. Login to HappyFox and navigate to the “Apps” module.

  2. Either search for “GitLab” or navigate to the “Project Management” category to find the GitLab app.

  3. Install the GitLab app in HappyFox.
  4. From the manage screen, click on the “Link GitLab” button. (Make sure "Is your account Self-Managed?" toggle is turned off)

  5. Authorize the HappyFox Help Desk app inside GitLab. You will require admin rights in GitLab to perform this action.

  6. You will be redirected to HappyFox with the GitLab app successfully configured.

  7. Proceed to the section: Configuring Sync Settings for GitLab app inside HappyFox

Authorizing HappyFox to connect to GitLab: (Self Managed Variant)

  1. Login to HappyFox and navigate to the “Apps” module.

  2. Either search for “GitLab” or navigate to the “Project Management” category to find the GitLab app.

  3. Install the GitLab app in HappyFox.

  4. Ensure "Is your account Self-Managed?" toggle is turned ON

  5. Log in to GitLab account as an administrator. Navigate to User Settings >> Applications.

  6. Create a new application. Specify the application a name. Copy the Redirect URI from HappyFox and paste in appropriate field.

  7. Ensure the scope "API" and "read user " is enabled. Mark "Confidential" as true.

  8. Create the app by clicking "Save Application".

  9. Once application is saved, the application id and secret are visible. Copy and paste those values inside HappyFox.

  10. Enter your GitLab Domain in the field provided. Click " Link GitLab" to authorize the HappyFox account with your self-managed GitLab account.

  11. You will be redirected to HappyFox after successful authentication.

  12. Proceed to the section: Configuring Sync Settings for GitLab app inside HappyFox

Configuring Sync Settings for GitLab app inside HappyFox

Once GitLab is installed, you have to configure the various synchronization settings.

1. Navigate to the GitLab app inside HappyFox and click on “Manage”.

2. You will be able to see the linked GitLab account name and email address.

3. Enable the different GitLab projects you'd like to integrate with HappyFox. Issues can only be created/linked under these projects from tickets.

4. You can synchronize HappyFox ticket responses and GitLab issue comments across the two platforms. These synchronizations will be in effect for the linked GitLab issues for a HappyFox ticket.
    4.1 Sync HappyFox updates to GitLab: Enabling this toggle will let you push HappyFox ticket replies and Private notes as "Issue Comments" inside GitLab.
    4.2 Sync GitLab comments to HappyFox: Enabling this toggle will let you synchronize GitLab "Issue Comments" as GitLab Sync notes inside HappyFox.

The option to configure this two-way synchronization is available when you link or create an issue from a HappyFox ticket.

5. Choose to synchronize "Attachments" between HappyFox ticket updates and GitLab issue comments. 
6. Additionally, you can enable and customize email notifications that will be sent from HappyFox for sync-notes. The notification template here will be used when a issue-comment is added to GitLab.


5. You can also set the default values for these synchronization options using the "When a new issue is created or linked" section. These toggles will merely act as default values for the sync options as you create/link issues,


6.  Ensure the app is marked enabled inside the "Sync Settings" section.  If not, click the "Enable this app" toggle.


7. Voila! You're all set with the GitLab Integration 🎉. Read on to know how to create/link/edit issues within the ticketing interface.

Linking and Creating Issues in GitLab from HappyFox


Look out for the "Info from GitLab" section in your ticket details page right sidebar to access create/link options:



Creating issues in GitLab from HappyFox:


Linking an existing issue in GitLab with a HappyFox ticket:


Ticket updates synced as issue-comments in GitLab:


Comments in GitLab appearing as GitLab Sync notes in HappyFox:


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: I don't see the GitLab app listing in my HappyFox app marketplace.

A:  GitLab integration is available on Enterprise and above pricing plans of HappyFox. Please check with your help desk administrator that your agent role has the "Manage apps settings" permission.


Q: How does attachment synchronization work?

A: Image/Non-Image Attachments from HappyFox replies and private notes are synced as GitLab issue comment attachments. Only image attachments from GitLab issue comments are synced back as GitLab sync notes inside HappyFox.


Q: I cannot create or edit the linked GitLab issue from the ticket details page?

A: Make sure your agent role has the permission"Create and Edit GitLab Issue" enabled.

Q: Who gets the notification for the GitLab sync notes?

A: All agents with "Manage apps settings" permission.


Q: Do I need to be the administrator in GitLab to configure the integration?

A: Yes.


Q: What does the "Close this ticket when GitLab issue is closed" toggle do?

A: When this toggle is enabled, whenever the linked GitLab issue is marked as complete, the HappyFox ticket will be automatically moved to the first status (by order) with the "Completed" Status behavior.


Unlink/Remove GitLab Integration

To unlink/remove GitLab integration, please go to the GitLab app manage page and click the "Unlink" button. This action will unlink all the GitLab issues associated with your tickets and delete your current configuration. Please exercise caution while this action is being performed.


To disable the GitLab app temporarily, please choose to disable the app instead, from the "GitLab Sync Settings" section.



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