All HappyFox help-desk instances are shipped with a RESTful web service API that enables various operations, including ticket creation, ticket update submission, ticket and user listing. This API supports payload formats such as JSON and multipart/form-data.
- Making HTTP requests (using GET and POST HTTP methods as a minimum requirement).
- Doing HTTP Basic Authentication.
- Generating and reading data in the JSON format.
- Optionally making HTTP POST requests using content type of "multipart/form-data" (needed for ticket attachments)
Documentation Conventions:
The documentation indicates parameters that need to be replaced with actual values. The entire string including the enclosing < and > should be replaced. For example, if the parameter is email, it should be replaced with the required email address
Endpoint url format: /api/1.1/json/<module>/
The above tail url has to be prefixed with your HappyFox account url as shown below
All HTTP POST API calls are to be explicitly marked as https. Else, it would be considered as GET only.
Note: If you are using a custom domain, please use the custom domain url only.
API key and auth code are to be passed in Basic HTTP authentication format only.
Ensure the IDs of the custom fields in POST calls are as per /api/1.1/json/ticket_custom_fields/ and /api/1.1/json/user_custom_fields/ and not as per the agent portal.
<module> - refers the module that is being accessed viz., /tickets/, /users/ etc,
A full constructed example url is shown below.
This knowledge base article consists of all operations that can be done via the tickets endpoint.
List of topics covered in this article
2. Get a paginated list of tickets
2.1 Using url query parameters and search strings
6. Create an inline attachment to be added to the ticket body
8. Adding a Staff private note
10. Edit custom fields of a ticket
12. Subscribe to a ticket (agent only)
13. Unsubscribe ticket (agent only)
14. Forward a ticket to an external email address
15. Move ticket to another Category
17. Create ticket with attachments
18. List all ticket custom fields
19. Fetch specific JSON fields
API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/tickets/
Method: GET
Query parameters that can be passed to the url are listed below with their description
Param | Description |
minify_response | true/false. If true, then show only list of ticket ids in the response |
include_updates | 0/1. if 1 then include updates for each ticket as well in the response |
status | Filter tickets by status Values: _all: return tickets in all statuses (default) id of status: filter tickets by the given status |
category | Filter tickets by category Values: * id of category: filter tickets by the given category |
q |
Used for the purpose of search and advanced filters. When using this, the url should be of the format:
For all tickets - /api/1.1/json/tickets/?status=_all&q="" |
sort | sort field using advanced filters |
2. Get a paginated list of tickets
API Endpoint : /api/1.1/json/tickets/?size=<size value>&page=<page number>
Default size value is 10 and can be max 50
Method: GET
Query Parameters that can be passed to the url are listed below with their description
Filter fields
Field | Description |
unresponded | true / false. if true, return unresponded tickets |
breached | true / false. if true, return tickets that have breached at least one sla |
has_attachments | true / false. if true, return tickets that have at least one attachment. This has to be passed as a search parameter: /api/1.1/json/tickets/?q=has_attachments:true |
tag | Return tickets having the given tagsvalues format: comma separated values. Case sensitive. |
duedate | allowed values: today - return tickets due today yesterday - return tickets that were due yesterday tomorrow - return tickets that are due tomorrow overdue - return tickets where due date is less than today next 7 days - return tickets due in 7 days |
priority |
--return tickets belonging to the given priorities --values format: comma separated names of priorities within quotations. Eg: /tickets/?status=_all&q=priority:"CRITICAL","MEDIUM" |
status |
---return tickets belonging to the given statuses --values format: comma separated names of statuses within quotations. Eg: /tickets/?status=_all&q=status:"New","Closed" |
assignee | list of keywords separated by commas. allowed keywords: --none - unassigned tickets --any - return all assigned tickets --some keyword - return tickets assigned to agents whose email address / username / first name / last name match the keyword given (case sensitive, exact match) |
group | list of keywords separated by commas. allowed keywords: --none - return tickets raised by contacts who do not belong to any contact group --any - return tickets raised by contacts who belong to at least one contact group --name of contact group - return tickets raised by contacts belonging to the contact group (case sensitive, exact match) |
contact |
--list of keywords separated by commas. each keyword is matched against a lookup generated for the contact (name, email, phone number) --return tickets associated to contacts who match any of the given keywords
eg: /tickets/?status=_all&q=contact: “” |
id | list of ids of tickets separated by commas. we can search by id and display id. In case of display id, do not include the #. eg: q=id:DC00000001,2 |
category | Returns tickets of a specific category whose id is passed in the url. Eg /tickets/?status=_all&category=<id of the category> |
2.1 Using url query parameters and search strings
Filter by time based fields (timestamp format: yyyy/mm/dd).
Search query format: /api/1.1/json/tickets/?status=_all&q=""
All of the following fields are to be passed as a search string as shown above.
Field | Description |
created-on | get tickets created on a particular date eg: q=created-on:"2019/01/25" |
created-on-or-before | get tickets created on or before a particular date eg: q=created-on-or-before:"2019/01/25" |
created-on-or-after | get tickets created on or after a particular date eg: q=created-on-or-after:"2019/01/25" |
created-before | get tickets created before a particular date eg: q=created-before:"2019/01/25" |
created-after | get tickets created after a particular date eg: q=created-after:"2019/01/25" |
last-modified-on-or-before | get tickets last modified on or before a particular date eg: q=last-modified-on-or-before:"2019/01/25" |
last-modified-on-or-after | get tickets last modified on or after a particular date eg: q=last-modified-on-or-after:"2019/01/25" |
last-modified-before | get tickets last modified before particular date eg: q=last-modified-on-or-after:"2019/01/25" |
last-modified-after | get tickets last modified after particular date eg: q=last-modified-before:"2019/01/25" |
last-staff-replied-on | get tickets where the latest staff reply was added on a particular date |
last-staff-replied-on-or-before | get tickets where the latest staff reply was added on or before a particular date |
last-staff-replied-on-or-after | get tickets where the latest staff reply was added on or after a particular date |
last-staff-replied-before | get tickets where the latest staff reply was added before a particular date |
last-staff-replied-after | get tickets where the latest staff reply was added after a particular date |
last-contact-replied-on | get tickets where the latest contact reply was added on a particular date |
last-contact-replied-on-or-before | get tickets where the latest contact reply was added on or before a particular date |
last-contact-replied-on-or-after | get tickets where the latest contact reply was added on or after a particular date |
last-contact-replied-before | get tickets where the latest contact reply was added before a particular date |
last-contact-replied-after | get tickets where the latest contact reply was added after a particular date |
last-closed-on-or-after | get tickets which were last closed on or after a particular date. Note that the current status of a ticket may be in pending. This only checks for tickets that were closed on or after the date. |
last-closed-on-or-before | get tickets that were last closed on or before a particular date. |
Filter by custom fields
We can search for tickets by contact and ticket custom fields
Format of specifying custom fields in search
- If the custom field name has only one word <name of the field>: “value” - do not enclose the field name in quotes
- If the custom field name has multiple words “<name of the field>”:”value” - enclose the field name in quotes “field_name”:”value”
- Custom field name and value should be enclosed in quotes separately.
- Name and value should be separated by a colon (:)
- No space after the colon separator
- Field names and values are not case sensitive
- Multiple fields should be separated by space
- For dropdown and multiple choice fields, the values are the option labels
- For multiple choice fields - each option is given in quotes and the options are separated by commas
text field: /tickets/?status=_all&q="Enterprise Company Name":"enterprise company"
dropdown: /tickets/?status=_all&q="Team Name":"arsenal"
multiple choice: /tickets/?status=_all&q="Country":"finland","germany"
date field: /tickets/?status=_all&q="Date Field":"08/23/2019"
number field: /tickets/?status=_all&q="Number Field":"300"
multiple fields: /tickets/?status=_all&q=Field1:"value1" "Field2":"value 2"
Filtering with contact and custom fields: /tickets/?status=_all&q=contact:"" "Product Name":"Helpdesk"
To combine multiple search items for system fields, please build the search query by concatenating each search item with a +
Eg. Search for status In Progress and New, along with tickets that contain that contain tag routine_checks
To search statuses, the query string would be,
To search with tags, the query string would be,
To combining the two,
Sorting list of tickets
- Default sorting - last updated based on contact/agent reply in descending order.
- If we search tickets, the sort order is always by relevance and last updated descending.
Other sort options
- categorya - sort by category ascending
- categoryd - sort by category descending
- subjecta - sort by subject in alphabetical order ascending
- subjectd - sort by subject descending
- due - sort by due date
- statusd - sort by status order descending
- statusa - sort by status order ascending
- prioritya - sort by priority order ascending
- priorityd - sort by priority order descending
- updated - sort by last updated (agent / contact reply) descending
- updatea - sort by last updated (agent / contact reply) ascending
- unresponded - unresponded tickets first
- createa - sort by ticket creation date ascending
- created - sort by ticket creation date descending
- assigneea - sort by assignee username ascending
- assigneed - sort by assignee username descending
- last_modifieda - sort by ticket last modified date ascending
- last_modifiedd - sort by ticket last modified date descending
- ticketa - sort by ticket id ascending
- ticketd - sort by ticket id descending
- clienta - sort by contact id ascending
- clientd - sort by contact id ascending
3. Ticket detail page
Endpoint - /api/1.1/json/ticket/<ticket_number>/
Note: Ticket ID is a unique identifier for each ticket. It is a combination of category prefix and ticket number. Eg. #HFS00000001. Here 1 is the ticket number and HFS is the category prefix. Ticket number and ticket ID can be obtained from the /tickets/ endpoint from the id and display_id attributes in each item of the data JSON array.
Ticket ID
Ticket number
Method: GET
Example Response
"status": {
"name": "In Progress",
"color": "0066CC",
"order": 2,
"default": false,
"behavior": "pending",
"id**": 2**
"first_message": "Example message\n\n",
"last_user_reply_at": "2019-08-13 08:59:11",
"time_spent": 12,
"id": 3,
"messages_count": 2,
"subject": "Example ticket",
"category": {
"prepopulate_cc": "AR",
"description": "Default Category, please edit this.",
"time_spent_mandatory": false,
"public": true,
"id": 1,
"name": "Default Category"
"attachments_count": 1,
"last_updated_at": "2019-08-13 08:59:42",
"priority": {
"default": false,
"id": 3,
"name": "High",
"order": 3
"last_staff_reply_at": "2019-08-13 08:59:42",
"custom_fields": [
"compulsory_on_complete": false,
"name": "Product Color",
"value": "grey",
"value_id": null,
"type": "text",
"id": 1,
"visible_to_staff_only": false
"sla_breaches": 0,
"merged_tickets": [],
"visible_only_staff": null,
"display_id": "#DC00000003",
"due_date": "2019-08-16",
"tags": "test",
"last_modified": "2019-08-13 08:59:42",
"user": {
"name": "Welcome",
"primary_phone": {
"type": "o",
"number": "02323412",
"id": 1
"phones": [
"type": "o",
"number": "02323412",
"id": 1
"created_at": "2019-07-16 11:27:30",
"updated_at": "2019-08-13 08:59:11",
"pending_tickets_count": 3,
"contact_groups": [],
"tickets_count": 3,
"id": 1,
"email": "",
"custom_fields": [
"name": "Company",
"value": "Changed company",
"value_id": null,
"type": "text",
"id": 2,
"visible_to_staff_only": false
"subscribers": [
"first_name": "Admin",
"last_name": "User",
"id": 1,
"email": ""
"unresponded": false,
"created_at": "2019-08-13 08:59:11",
"assigned_to": {
"name": "Admin User",
"is_account_admin": true,
"email": "",
"role": {
"name": "Administrator",
"id": 1
"active": true,
"id": 1,
"categories": [
"permissions": [
"updates": [
"priority_change": {
"new_name": "High",
"new": 3,
"old": 1,
"old_name": "Medium"
"category_change": null,
"custom_field_change": null,
"timestamp": "2019-08-13 08:59:42",
"due_date_change": {
"new": "2019-08-16",
"old": null
"by": {
"email": "",
"type": "staff",
"id": 1,
"name": "admin"
"time_spent": 12,
"update_id": 52,
"message": {
"attachments": [
"url": "",
"id": 22,
"filename": "bicycle.gif"
"bcc_list": "",
"text": "Attachment added\n\n",
"cc_list": "",
"customer_updated": false,
"html": "
","forward_list": null,
"message_type": null,
"subject": ""
"assignee_change": null,
"status_change": {
"new_name": "In Progress",
"new": 2,
"old": 1,
"old_name": "New"
"satisfaction_survey": null
"merged_to": null
To obtain a history of changes/updates made on ticket custom fields, add the below url parameter.
Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/ticket/<ticket_number>/?show_cf_changes=true
Method: GET
Example Response:
Without show_cf_changes=true parameter:
With show_cf_changes=true parameter:
4. Create Ticket
Using this API endpoint, tickets can be created in all Public categories/Agents and Contacts visible categories
API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/tickets/
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required | |
name | Name of the contact. | yes. Required for new contacts only. For existing contacts, the ID of the contact can be passed in the client payload field. |
Email address of the contact | yes. Required for new contacts only. For existing contacts, the ID of the contact can be passed in the client payload field. | ||
phone | Phone number of the contact as a string | no | |
subject | ticket subject | yes | |
text | ticket message in plain text format | text / html is required | |
html | ticket message in html | text / html is required | |
category | ID of the category in which the ticket should be created. (this has to be a public category) | yes | |
priority | --id of the priority of the ticket --defaults to the default priority | no | |
assignee | id of the agent to assign the ticket to. To leave the ticket unassigned, use "assignee" : null | no | |
tags | list of tags separated by commas. | no | |
cc | list of email addresses, separated by commas | no | |
bcc | list of email addresses, separated by commas | no | |
created_at | ticket creation time allowed formats: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss | no | |
due_date | allowed formats yyyy-mm-dd dd/mm/yyyy | no | |
attachments | list of files to be uploaded Size limit: the total size of all the files combined should not exceed 25 mb Content type: In case attachments are given, the content type of the request should be multipart/form-data File types: There are no restrictions currently regarding file types. File encoding: If the file has an encoding associated with it, HappyFox will use that encoding when reading the file. If not it uses UTF-8 by default. There are no restrictions regarding the encoding of a file. | no | |
visible_only_staff | true / false specify whether the ticket is private or not | no | |
c-cf-<id of custom field> |
The <id of the custom field> is to be fetched from the list ticket custom fields api endpoint only. Do not use the IDs from the urls from the agent portal as they are different. Text field: string Multiple choice: list of ids of options |
yes for mandatory custom fields | |
t-cf-<id of custom field> |
The <id of the custom field> is to be fetched from the list contact custom fields api endpoint only. Do not use the IDs from the urls from the agent portal as they are different. Text field: string Multiple choice: list of ids of options |
yes for compulsory fields |
Example payload
Example 1: With custom fields
"name": "james",
"email": "",
"category": 1,
"subject": "test ticket",
"text": "example ticket",
"t-cf-3": [1, 2],
"t-cf-1": "text field value",
"t-cf-5": 200,
"t-cf-4": "2019-12-20",
"c-cf-3": 1
Example 2: Creating ticket with attachments
Ticket with attachments can be created by passing the payload as multi-part/form type. Here is a sample code in Python.
import requests
url = "https://<account_name>"
payload={'category': '4',
'name': 'Name',
'text': 'Ticket creation message',
'subject': 'Ticket creation subject',
'email': '',
't-cf-5': '1',
't-cf-25': '1'}
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Basic <BASIC_AUTH_STRING>'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files)
# To generate the BASIC_AUTH_STRING, please use the below code snippet
#from requests.auth import _basic_auth_str
#v1_api_key = <API_Key>
#v1_auth_code = <AUTH_Code>
#v1_auth_token = _basic_auth_str(v1_api_key, v1_auth_code)
Successful response data for status 200 is as same as /ticket/
Example failure response (400)
"error": [
{ "field": "category", "errors": [ "This field is required." ] }
"error": [
{ "field": "t-cf-3", "errors": [ "This field is required" ] }
5. Create multiple tickets
API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/tickets/
- The payload should be a list of ticket payloads.
- For the payload structure of one ticket refer the Create Ticket section
- A maximum of 100 tickets can be created in one request
- Response will be a list of dictionary, indicating successfully created tickets and payloads with validation errors (ref example below)
- success - false indicates that the payload had validation errors
- success - true indicates that the ticket got created successfully
Example response
"display_id": "#DC00000011", "id": 11, "success": true
"success": false, "error": [ { "field": "category", "errors": [ "This field is required." ] } ]
6. Create an inline attachment to be added to the ticket body
- Use the below endpoint to upload the inline attachment to HappyFox.
- This will generate a temporary url
- Set this temporary url as the value of src property of img tag in the ticket message (html) when creating a ticket
API Endpoint : /api/1.1/json/ticket-inline-attachment
Method: POST
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
file | the file to be uploaded. Only one file can be upload at a time Size limit: should not exceed 25 mb Content type: content type of the request should be multipart/form-data File types: Should be an image file * File encoding: If the file has an encoding associated with it, HappyFox will use that encoding when reading the file. If not it uses utf-8 by default. There are no restrictions regarding the encoding of a file. | yes |
Example success response (200)
“url”: “”
Please reach out to for an example code snippet (mention the coding language) that allows you to create ticket with inline and external attachments.
API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/ticket/<ticket_number>/staff_update/
Method: POST
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
staff | ID of the agent who is adding the reply | yes |
cc | list of email addresses separated by commas | no |
bcc | list of email addresses separated by commas | no |
update_customer |
no |
send_survey |
no |
parent_update |
no |
last_staff_message |
no |
subject |
change reply subject to be sent to the contact |
no |
status |
ID of the status. Changes status of the ticket |
no |
priority |
ID of the priority. Changes priority of the ticket |
no |
assignee |
ID of the assignee. Changes assignee of the ticket. To leave the ticket unassigned, use "assignee" : null |
no |
time_spent |
Integer. Adds time spent (in minutes) to the ticket |
depends on category settings |
due_date |
allowed formats
no |
tags |
list of tags separated by commas |
no |
attachments |
no |
html |
agent reply in html format |
no |
plaintext |
agent reply in plain text format |
no |
ccf-<id of custom field> |
Contact custom fields Get the id of the custom fields from list contact custom fields api response values format:
no |
t-cf-<id of custom field> |
Ticket custom fields Get the id of the custom fields from list contact custom fields api response values format:
yes for compulsory on complete fields if the status is moved from pending to closed status. |
Example payload
"staff": 1,
"status": 4,
"html": "
Example reply
"t-cf-3": [1, 2],
"c-cf-3": 1
Example success response
Refer ticket details example response
Example failure response
"error": {
"t-cf-2": "This field should be filled before marking this ticket as completed"
Note: Concurrent/parallel API calls to this endpoint, for any given particular ticket, is not supported.
8. Adding a Staff private note
API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/ticket/<ticket_number>/staff_pvtnote/
Method: POST
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
staff | ID of the agent adding the reply | yes |
alert | send private not alert to s - all ticket subscribers c - all agents associated to ticket’s category ID of the agent who should be alerted | no |
status | ID of the status. Changes status of the ticket | no |
priority | ID of the priority. Changes priority of the ticket | no |
assignee | ID of the assignee. Changes assignee of the ticket. To leave the ticket unassigned, use "assignee" : null | no |
time_spent | integer. Adds time spent (in minutes) to the ticket | depends on category settings |
due_date | allowed formats yyyy-mm-dd dd/mm/yyyy | no |
tags | list of tags separated by commas | no |
attachments | list of files total size of all attachments should not exceed 25 MB | no |
html | agent's private note in html format | no |
plaintext | agent private note in plain text format | no |
ccf-<id of custom field> | Contact custom fields Get the id of the custom fields from list contact custom fields api response Values format: text field: string number: integer / float with 2 decimal places dropdown: the id of the choice multiple choice: list of ids of options date: yyyy-mm-dd | no |
t-cf-<id of custom field> | Ticket custom fields Get the id of the custom fields from list contact custom fields api response Values format: text field: string number: integer / float with 2 decimal places dropdown: the id of the choice multiple choice: list of ids of options * date: yyyy-mm-dd | yes for compulsory on ticket completion fields if the status is moved to closed status. |
9. Adding a Contact reply
API Endpoint: </api/1.1/json/ticket/<ticket_number>/user_reply/
Method: POST
Sample payload:
"text": "This is a response sent by the user via API",
"cc": "",
"bcc" : """,
"user": 27662
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
user | ID of the contact who is adding the reply | yes |
cc | list of email addresses separated by commas | no |
bcc | list of email addresses separated by commas | no |
attachments | list of files total size of all attachments should not exceed 25 MB | no |
text | Reply message in text format or html format | yes |
10.Edit custom fields values of a ticket
API Endpoint:
Method: POST
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
staff | ID of the agent | yes |
t-cf-<id> | Ticket custom fields. Get the id of the custom fields from list contact custom fields api response values format: text field: string number: integer / float with 2 decimal places dropdown: the id of the choice multiple choice: list of ids of options * date: yyyy-mm-dd | yes for compulsory fields |
11. Update tags of a ticket
API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/ticket/<ticket_number>/update_tags/
Method: POST
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
add | list of tags to add separated by commas | no |
remove | list of tags to remove separated by commas | no |
Example Request
"add": "test1, example",
"remove": "test"
For a sample success response please refer ticket details response
12. Subscribe to ticket (agent only)
API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/ticket/ticket_number/subscribe/
Method: POST
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
staff_id | ID of the agent to be added as a subscriber to ticket | yes |
data | list of ids of agents to be added as subscribers to ticket | no |
Example Request
"data": [3, 2],
"staff_id": 1
Example success response
"message": "Admin Agent, james may, Subscribers added to ticket"
13. Unsubscribe from ticket (agent only)
API Endpoint: >/api/1.1/json/ticket/<ticket_number>/unsubscribe/
Method: POST
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
staff_id |
ID of the agent to be added as a subscriber to ticket - should be “ID of the agent to unsubscribe from a ticket” |
yes |
Example Request
"staff_id": 1
Example for a successful response
"message": "Admin Agent unsubscribed"
14. Forward ticket to an external email address
API Endpoint : /api/1.1/json/ticket/<ticket_number>/forward/
Method: POST
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
staff_id | ID of the agent who is forwarding the ticket | yes |
to_include_ticket_contact | true / false | true / false |
cc_include_ticket_contact | true / false | no |
to | list of email addresses separated by commas | yes |
cc | list of email addresses separated by commas | no |
bcc | list of email addresses separated by commas | no |
subject | email subject | yes |
message | email message | yes |
send_all_messages | true / false | no. defaults to true |
include_pvt_notes | true / false | no. default value is false |
ticket_attachments | list of ids of ticket attachments. Get the ticket attachment ids using get ticket details API endpoint | no |
attachments | list of files total size of all the attached files should not exceed 25 MB | no |
convert_replies_as_new_ticket | true / false | no. default value is true |
Example Request
"staff_id": 1,
"subject": "test",
"to": ","
Example successful response
"message": "Successfully forwarded the ticket #DC00000004"
15. Move ticket to another Category
API Endpoint : /api/1.1/json/ticket/<ticket_number>/move/
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
staff_id | ID of the agent who is changing the ticket category. | yes |
target_category_id | ID of the category to move the ticket to | yes |
move_note | Note to be added when moving the ticket | no |
assign_to | ID of the agent to whom the ticket has to be assigned to | no |
Note: The staff used for the above action should have the below permission enabled for their role.
Example Request
"staff_id": 1,
"target_category_id": 2,
"move_note": " move note text ",
"assign_to": 2
Example success response
"status_code": 200,
"message": "moved ticket to Test"
16. Delete a ticket
API Endpoint : /api/1.1/json/ticket/<ticket_number>/delete/
Method: POST
Payload Fields
Field | description | Required |
staff_id | ID of the agent that is performing the category change | yes |
Example request:
"staff_id": 1
Example successful response:
{"deleted_ticket": "#DC00000005"
17. Create ticket with attachments
Please send an email to requesting a sample code to create a ticket with attachments via API, in the coding language that you are using.
Note: Ticket creation with attachments is supported only for HTTP POST, with multi-part/form data payloads.
18. List all ticket custom fields
API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/ticket_custom_fields/
Method: GET
Example response:
"name": "City",
"depends_on_choice": null,
"required": false,
"compulsory_on_completed": true,
"choices": null,
"compulsory_on_move": false,
"type": "text",
"id": 1,
"categories": [
"category": 1,
"order": 1
"visible_to_staff_only": false
"name": "State",
"depends_on_choice": null,
"required": false,
"compulsory_on_completed": false,
"choices": null,
"compulsory_on_move": false,
"type": "text",
"id": 2,
"categories": [
"category": 1,
"order": 2
"category": 2,
"order": 1
"category": 3,
"order": 1
"category": 4,
"order": 1
"category": 5,
"order": 1
"visible_to_staff_only": false
"name": "City",
"depends_on_choice": null,
"required": false,
"compulsory_on_completed": false,
"choices": [
"text": "Bengaluru",
"id": 4,
"dependant_fields": []
"text": "Chennai",
"id": 1,
"dependant_fields": []
"text": "Hyderabad",
"id": 5,
"dependant_fields": []
"text": "Kochi",
"id": 7,
"dependant_fields": []
"text": "Mumbai",
"id": 3,
"dependant_fields": []
"text": "New Delhi",
"id": 2,
"dependant_fields": []
"text": "Trivandrum",
"id": 6,
"dependant_fields": []
"compulsory_on_move": false,
"type": "choice",
"id": 3,
"categories": [
"category": 1,
"order": 3
"category": 2,
"order": 2
"category": 3,
"order": 2
"category": 4,
"order": 2
"category": 5,
"order": 2
"visible_to_staff_only": false
19. Fetch specific JSON fields
Specific JSON fields from the top-level of the JSON structure can be retrieved using this method. The names of the fields are passed as comma separated values to the fields parameter.
API Endpoint: /api/json/1.1/tickets/?fields=<comma separated list of field names>
HTTP Method: GET
Example: /api/json/1.1/tickets/?fields=id,last_user_reply_at,last_staff_reply_at
Example response:
"page_info": {
"count": 10,
"last_index": 365,
"page_count": 37,
"start_index": 1,
"end_index": 10
"data": [
"last_staff_reply_at": null,
"id": 768,
"last_user_reply_at": "2023-10-31 09:11:05"
"last_staff_reply_at": "2023-10-31 09:08:43",
"id": 767,
"last_user_reply_at": "2023-10-31 09:06:37"
"last_staff_reply_at": null,
"id": 766,
"last_user_reply_at": "2023-10-18 09:53:46"
"last_staff_reply_at": null,
"id": 765,
"last_user_reply_at": "2023-10-18 06:23:26"
"last_staff_reply_at": null,
"id": 764,
"last_user_reply_at": "2023-08-17 14:45:54"
"last_staff_reply_at": null,
"id": 763,
"last_user_reply_at": "2023-07-28 14:49:45"
"last_staff_reply_at": null,
"id": 762,
"last_user_reply_at": "2023-07-05 14:48:44"
"last_staff_reply_at": null,
"id": 761,
"last_user_reply_at": "2023-06-07 11:04:03"
"last_staff_reply_at": "2023-06-07 07:43:44",
"id": 760,
"last_user_reply_at": "2023-06-07 07:40:02"
"last_staff_reply_at": null,
"id": 759,
"last_user_reply_at": "2023-05-02 12:32:08"
"filters": {
"status": "_all",
"category": "_all",
"q": "",
"sort": "updated"