API Endpoint {account_url}/api/v2/public/incidents/{id}/private-note/ Method PATCH Response Data Private note added to an Incident * This endpoint is used to add a private note to an incident. Sample Request { "note": "sample message", "alert_to": "all_subscribers" } Sample Response Success Res…
API Endpoint {account_url}/api/v2/public/requesters/actions/change-email/ Method POST Request Data Change requester email address Parameters Parameter Description requester_id ID of the requester for whom email needs to be updated from_email Existing email address of the requester which ne…
API Endpoint {account_url}/api/v2/public/incidents/{id}/reply/ Method PATCH Response Data Reply added to an Incident * This endpoint is used to add a reply to an incident. Sample Request { "message": "sample message", } Sample Response Success Response: Status code 200 { "id": 176, "time_spen…
API Endpoint /api/v2/public/requester-custom-fields/ Method GET Request Data fetch requester custom fields meta info Get Requester Custom Fields * This endpoint is used to fetch requester custom fields meta info in Service Desk.[ { "id": 1, "name": "CCF 3", "help_text_for_ag…
API Endpoint /api/v2/public/requesters/ Method GET Request Data Requester list and details Get Requester List and Details * This endpoint allows you to fetch requester(s) list and details in Service Desk. Sample Response Success Response: Status code 200 [{ "id": 1, "name": "Lisa Taylor", "email": "l…
API Endpoint {account_url}/api/v2/public/requesters/ Method POST Request Data create or update requester(s) Create or Update Requester * This endpoint allows you to create or update single requester(s) in Service Desk. * If a requester already exists, it will be updated with the new details. * If a r…
API Endpoint {account_url}/api/v2/public/incidents/ Method POST Response Data Incident Creation Create Incident * This endpoint is used to create incident(s) in Service desk. Parameters Parameter Required Description team Yes Team to which the incident should be assigned to status No Statu…
Field IDs are required when you are trying to access HappyFox API to automate your workflows. While Ticket ID is displayed on the ticket list and ticket details page, to find the IDs of other properties in the app, you may have to query the API. How to get field IDs from HappyFox API? 1. Go to Manage >> Integrati…
Prerequisites: * API doc - Read here * How to get API key and Auth Code - Read here Examples: Read Tickets url = auth = ('<apli_key>','<auth_code>') res = requests.get(url,auth=auth) Create a New ticket import requests import json url = auth = ('<apli_key>','<auth_code>') headers = {'Content-…
API provided by the HappyFox helpdesk is a RESTful web service. It supports operations like creating a ticket, adding updates to a ticket, listing tickets and users of the Helpdesk. It supports JSON, Form Url encoded and Multipart Form Data formats as payload. Requirements: The API requires following skills in an…