There are multiple ways by which requesters can raise incidents in Service Desk * Email: Users can send an email to a designated support email address explaining their issues or queries. An incident will be created automatically according to the inbound email channel configured in service desk. * Service Portal: …
API Endpoint {account_url}/api/v2/public/requesters/actions/change-email/ Method POST Request Data Change requester email address Parameters Parameter Description requester_id ID of the requester for whom email needs to be updated from_email Existing email address of the requester which ne…
API Endpoint /api/v2/public/requester-custom-fields/ Method GET Request Data fetch requester custom fields meta info Get Requester Custom Fields * This endpoint is used to fetch requester custom fields meta info in Service Desk.[ { "id": 1, "name": "CCF 3", "help_text_for_ag…
API Endpoint /api/v2/public/requesters/ Method GET Request Data Requester list and details Get Requester List and Details * This endpoint allows you to fetch requester(s) list and details in Service Desk. Sample Response Success Response: Status code 200 [{ "id": 1, "name": "Lisa Taylor", "email": "l…
API Endpoint {account_url}/api/v2/public/requesters/ Method POST Request Data create or update requester(s) Create or Update Requester * This endpoint allows you to create or update single requester(s) in Service Desk. * If a requester already exists, it will be updated with the new details. * If a r…