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Home > HappyFox Help Desk > Account Configuration > Developers > API > Contacts and Contact Groups API endpoints
Contacts and Contact Groups API endpoints
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API provided by the HappyFox helpdesk is a RESTful web service. It supports operations like creating a ticket, adding updates to a ticket, listing tickets and users of the Helpdesk. It supports JSON, Form Url encoded and Multipart Form Data formats as payload.



The API requires following skills in any programming language.

  • Making HTTP requests (using GET and POST HTTP methods as a minimum requirement).
  • Doing HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • Generating and reading data in the JSON format.
  • Optionally making HTTP POST requests using content type of "multipart/form-data" (needed for ticket attachments)


Documentation Conventions:

The documentation indicates parameters that need to be replaced with actual values using the format . The entire string including the enclosing < and > should be replaced.

For example, if the parameter email is it should be replaced with the required email address

Endpoint url format: /api/1.1/<module>/

The above tail url has to be suffixed with your HappyFox account url as shown below



All HTTP POST API calls are to be explicitly marked as https. Else, it would be considered as GET only

Note: If you are using a custom domain, please use the custom domain url

API key and auth code are to be passed in Basic HTTP authentication format only.

<module> - refers the module which is being accessed viz., /tickets/, /users/ etc A full constructed example url is shown below.

This knowledge base article consists of all operations that can be done via the users endpoint.


For HTTP POST methods, please ensure the IDs of the custom fields are as per /api/1.1/json/user_custom_fields/ 


List of topics covered in this article


1. Get a list of contacts

2. Search contacts

3. Contact detail page

4. Add new contact/Edit existing contact

5. Add/Edit multiple contacts

6. Remove contact(s) from Contact Group

7. Get a list of all contact groups

8. Get contact group details

9. Create a contact group

10. Edit contact group

11. Add/Edit contacts of a contact group

12. List all contact custom fields



1. Get a list of contacts

API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/users/

Method: GET

Example response:

   "page_info": {
       "count": 10,
       "last_index": 62,
       "page_count": 7,
       "start_index": 1,
       "end_index": 10
   "data": [
           "name": "John Doe",
           "primary_phone": {
               "type": "m",
               "number": "98765432",
               "id": 1
           "phones": [
                   "type": "m",
                   "number": "98765432",
                   "id": 1
           "created_at": null,
           "updated_at": null,
           "pending_tickets_count": 2,
           "contact_groups": [
                   "tagged_domains": "",
                   "access_all_tickets_in_group": false,
                   "description": "Example contact group",
                   "name": "sample 21",
                   "id": 2
           "tickets_count": 2,
           "id": 4,
           "email": "",
           "custom_fields": [
                   "name": "A",
                   "value": null,
                   "value_id": null,
                   "type": "text",
                   "id": 13,
                   "visible_to_staff_only": false


The default number of results is 10 and can be set to 50. Use the size and the page parameter as shown below, to get a paginated list of users.




The page_count field in the response contains the total number of pages when returning 50 results per page. 


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2. Search contacts


API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/users/?q=<search text>

Search fields: 


  • name

  • email

  • phone 

  • updated_since

  • created_since


Notes for search fields:


  • If multiple search query params are given, then contacts matching all the filters are returned.
  • 2 search params are to be separated by space.
  • Search field and value are to be in the format search field:search value
  • For phone field an example search API query would be https://<acccount_name>, the user's actual phone number would be +11231231234. The '+' item should not be included in the search url.


Example search url:


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3. Contact detail page

API Endpoint: 

Get contact by id: /api/1.1/json/user/<id of contact>/

Get contact by email address: /api/1.1/json/user/<email address>/


Method: GET



Example Response:

   "name": "James may",
   "primary_phone": null,
   "phones": [],
   "created_at": null,
   "updated_at": null,
   "pending_tickets_count": 1,
   "contact_groups": [
           "tagged_domains": ",",
           "access_all_tickets_in_group": false,
           "description": "yet another sample contact group for testing.",
           "name": "sample 3",
           "id": 3
   "tickets_count": 1,
   "id": 33,
   "email": "",
   "custom_fields": [
           "name": "A",
           "value": null,
           "value_id": null,
           "type": "text",
           "id": 13,
           "visible_to_staff_only": false

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4. Add new contact/Edit existing contact

API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/users/

Method: POST




Field Description


Required for new contact


  • name of contact. 
  • string.





  • email address of contact. 

  • Is validated as per our overall app email validation

yes, required even if phone is mentioned but can take null values




  • it is a list of dict having the following info

    • id (in case of edit phone number)

    • type - type of phone

      • mo - mobile

      • w - work

      • m - main

      • h - home

      • o - other (default)

    • number - the number itself as a string

    • is_primary - indicate whether the number is to be set as the primary phone

yes if email address is not given


c-cf-<id of custom field>


Contact custom fields


Get the id of the custom fields from list contact custom fields api response


   Value format:


  • text field: string

  • number: integer / float with 2 decimal places

  • dropdown: the id of the choice

  • multiple choice: list of ids of options

  • date: yyyy-mm-dd

yes for compulsory fields



Sample Requests:

Example 1 (create contact with phone numbers, custom fields)


    "email": "",

    "name": "dasdasd",

    "phones": [


            "type": "mo",

            "number": "987654321",

            "is_primary": true



            "type": "mo",

            "number": "876543219",

            "is_primary": false



    "c-cf-1": "example text field value"


Example 2 (edit phone number of a contact)



    "email": "",

    "phones": [


            "type": "mo",

            "number": "987654321",

            "is_primary": true,

            "id": 20




Refer contact details page response for a HTTP 200 response code.


Failure Response Examples ()


   "error": [


           "field": "name",

           "errors": [

               "This field is required."







   "error": [


           "field": "c-cf-13",

           "errors": [

               "This field is required"






To edit one particular contact, please use the below shown method.


API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/user/<ID_of_the_contact>/




Example Payload:


"name" : "John Smith",

"email" : ""


Custom fields also can be passed in the payload as c-cf-<id of the field>. The response of the above API call would be same as a GET call to /api/json/1.1/user/<ID_of_the_contact>/


Note: Please use /api/1.1/json/users/ to update phone numbers.


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5. Add/Edit multiple contacts


API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/users/

Method: POST



        "email": "",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "c-cf-4": "XHR1234"
        "email": "",
        "name" : "Nathan",
        "c-cf-4": "LDA5000"


Refer list of contact fields for the other fields that can be passed in the payload.


In the response received for the above API call, success - true indicates that the contact was added / edited and success - false indicates that there are some validation errors when trying to create / update contact for one of the contacts info in the payload. Maximum number of contacts that can be created / updated in one request is 100. Example response has been shown below


Example Response:



"email": "",

"success": true,

"id": 14



"email": "",

"success": true,

"id": 15



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6. Remove contact(s) from Contact Groups


API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/contact_group/<contact_group_ID>/delete_contacts/

Method: POST




"contacts": [1, 3, 100]


Here 1, 3 and 100 are the contact ID of the contacts that are to be removed from the given contact group.


Example Response:

        "data": {
            "message": "Successfully removed contact from group",
            "contact": 1
        "success": true
        "data": {
            "message": "Contact not part of the contact group",
            "contact": 3
        "success": false
        "data": {
            "message": "Contact does not exist",
            "contact": 100
        "success": false

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7. Get a list of all contact groups


API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/contact_groups/


Method: GET


Example response:

       "tagged_domains": "",
       "id": 1,
       "name": "test group",
       "description": "example description"
       "tagged_domains": "",
       "id": 2,
       "name": "test1 group",
       "description": ""

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8. Get contact group details


API Endpoint:/api/1.1/json/contact_group/<id of the group>/


The id of the group can be obtained from the response of the previous API call where all contact groups are listed.


Method: GET


Example response:



   "tagged_domains": "",

   "id": 1,

   "description": "example description",

   "name": "test group",

   "contacts": []


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9. Create a contact group


API Endpoint:  /api/1.1/json/contact_groups/


Method: POST


Example request payload:


"name": "test group",

"description": "example description",

"tagged_domains": ""


Payload fields:










Name of the contact group. Name is unique






Description about the contact group and the type of contacts no




list of domains to tag to the contact group so that when contacts with email addresses matching the domains are added into the account, they are auto added to the contact group






The response for this API call would be similar to the contact details endpoint.


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10. Edit contact group


API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/contact_groups/


Method: POST


Payload fields:









Description about the contact group



list of domains to tag to the contact group so that when contacts with email addresses matching the domains are added into the account, they are auto added to the contact group




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11. Add/edit contacts of a contact group



  • Add multiple contacts to a contact groups.
  • Maximum number of contacts that can be added in one request is 100.


API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/contact_group/<id of group>/update_contacts/


Method: POST


Payload fields: 









ID of the contact to add to the group



true / false - Indicates whether the contact can access tickets of other contacts belonging to the group

no. defaults to false


Example payload:


"contact": 41,

"access_tickets": true



"contact": 200



Example response:




       "data": {

           "access_tickets": true,

           "contact": 1


       "success": true



       "errors": [


               "field": "contact",

               "errors": [

                   "Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices."




       "success": false




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12. List all contact custom fields


API Endpoint: /api/1.1/json/user_custom_fields/


Method: GET


Example Response:




"name": "Account Number",

"depends_on_choice": null,

"required": true,

"id": 4,

"choices": null,

"type": "text",

"order": 1,

"visible_to_staff_only": false



"name": "Region ID",

"depends_on_choice": null,

"required": false,

"id": 5,

"choices": [


"text": "APAC",

"id": 3,

"dependant_fields": []



"text": "Australia",

"id": 4,

"dependant_fields": []



"text": "Europe",

"id": 2,

"dependant_fields": []



"text": "North America",

"id": 1,

"dependant_fields": []



"type": "choice",

"order": 2,

"visible_to_staff_only": false



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