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Home > HappyFox Help Desk > Account Configuration > Developers > API > Sending Request for Ticket creation using MultiPart Form data in Python
Sending Request for Ticket creation using MultiPart Form data in Python
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multipart form-post is an HTTP request sent using an HTML form, submitted with enctype set to "multipart/form-data". The request body is specially formatted as a series of "parts", separated with MIME boundaries. To create tickets in your HappyFox account via API using multipart/form data, please follow the below sample code written in python.


import requests

company_name = <add_your_company_name/Instance_name>
url = "https://" + company_name + ""

payload =


'category': '1',
'user': '2',
'text': 'Testing',
'subject': 'Subject ',

files = {'attachments': open('/File Path/file.extension','rb')}
headers =

  'Authorization': '<BASIC auth>', 
  'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------531818130631649698349478'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data = payload, files = files)



To get the <BASIC auth> from your HappyFox API credentials, please use the below python library request.

from requests.auth import _basic_auth_str
api_key = <Key>
auth_code = <Code>

BASIC auth = _basic_auth_str(api_key, auth_code) 

API Endpoint URL for ticket creation: https://<account_name/instance_name>
Method: POST
content-type: multipart/form-data


Alternatively, for code snippets in other programming languages, Postman can be used. Please refer to this article -


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