Aug 17, 2021
HappyFox Help Desk allows you to manually set the order of articles by changing their position within a section or a subsection. This way you can designate the order that the articles should be read. This feature works with the v2.0 edition of HappyFox Support Center.
To reorder articles in a section and/or subsection, follow the steps mentioned below:
- Click the Knowledge Base (KB) module.
- Go to the Sections List page.
- Click the Section you'd want to change the article order, this opens the section slider.
- Under the "Internal", "External Articles", "Contact Group Articles" block, click "Re-order" to re-order the articles.
- You can specify a system-defined order, say alphabetical or have your own custom order.
- For a custom order, click an article and drag it to another place in the order.
- Click "Update order" for the changes to successfully take place.
Article Order Format: