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Home > HappyFox Help Desk > Account Configuration > Automations > Auto Assignments > Auto Assignment : Round Robin based on Active Agents
Auto Assignment : Round Robin based on Active Agents
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HappyFox lets you automatically assign agents to tickets through an auto-assignment algorithm that aims to maximize agent engagement - Round Robin based active agents.

Applicable Plans:
✖️ Basic ✔️ Team ✔️ Pro ✔️ Enterprise PRO
✔️ Growth ✔️ Scale ✔️ Scale Plus ✔️ Ultimate

The goal of this auto-assignment is very simple - assign tickets to each active agent in a round-robin manner. Once the number of tickets assigned to an agent (for a particular category) reaches the upper-limit specified, the agent will no longer be assigned more tickets. This kind of assignment ensures that when there is a continuous inflow of tickets, it is distributed among all active agents.


The upper(Throttle) limit for Auto-Assignment:

As mentioned above, this assignment allows the administrator to specify an upper-limit that is applicable for all agent at the auto-assignment level. All participating agent will adhere to this upper-limit. However, do note that this upper-limit is inclusive of tickets that an agent can potentially be assigned - meaning it includes tickets assigned manually and via assignment rules. Once an agent reaches the upper limit, auto-assignment ceases to assign any further tickets to him. However, he/she can still be manually assigned tickets.


How does it work?

Active agent based Round-Robin ensures that as long as there is an available agent who can be assigned tickets, ticket inflow is distributed in a round-robin manner amongst them. When an agent reaches the upper limit specified, he/she is removed from this round-robin queue. Then, the auto-assignment continues to assign tickets amongst the remaining agent.

An agent will be added to the assignment queue if any of the following happens

  • A new agent makes himself available by setting his state to “Active” assuming his total pending ticket count is less than upper-limit set

  • An active agent removed from assignment queue resolves tickets that brings his total pending ticket count (for associated category) below the specified upper limit

Configuring Round Robin based on Active-agent Auto Assignment:

  1. Navigate to Automate >> Auto Assignments.

  2. Click on “Create an Auto Assignment”

  3. Choose “Round Robin based on Active agent” from the type-dropdown as shown below. 

  4. In the Category dropdown, choose the category under which the agent who would be participating in the auto-assignment.

  5.   Associate agents who are deemed to be eligible for this auto assignment. You can filter this by "Agent-Roles".
  6. Now, choose the upper-limit [Throttle Limit] for this assignment. This upper limit is specific to this assignment rule (and by extension to this category) and applies to each of the associated agents. When the number of pending tickets assigned to an agent reaches this upper-limit, he/she will no longer be considered for auto-assignment. However, do note that he/she can still be manually assigned tickets.

  7. Choose exclusion statuses (if applicable). Tickets that fall into these statuses will not be considered while validating if an agent has reached the specified upper limit.

  8. Enter a name for the Auto Assignment and choose to enable/disable it. Click "Finish Creating  Auto Assignment".



  • The agent must set themselves to “Active” before they are eligible to participate in auto-assignment. This ensures that the agent is not assigned tickets when they are offline or when they are performing other tasks in the help-desk.

  • When the agent decides to become “Inactive”, they have 2 options:

    • Release all pending tickets in their queue back to the system so that they are considered for auto-assignment

    • Hold on to the pending tickets assigned to them

  • The upper-limit specified here is specific to the category for which the auto-assignment has been created. In other words, the same limit applies to all associated agent. While calculating an agent ticket assignment load (for this auto-assignment), only the tickets belonging to this particular category will be considered.

  • Tickets created or updated in the last 5 days are considered for auto-assignments, provided they are unassigned and are in the default status

To know how Round robin based active agent auto assignment works with HappyFox Classic, Please refer to the document attached.


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HappyFox Classic _ Auto Assignment _ Round Robin based on Active Agents.pdf
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