Assets can be linked to an incident in two ways as explained below.
1. Create incident form
Assets can be linked to an incident even while creation. Asset lookup field will be available in the create incident form using which the agents can search and link the asset to the incident.
2. Assets tab in incident details page
You can link the assets related to the incident by following the steps below,
Navigate to an Incident details page > Assets tab.
Click on +Link Assets button.
This will open a right panel, here you can search for an asset using a keyword.
Assets will be listed will Name, Used By and Asset Status.
Select the required asset and click on the Link Assets button.
Selected Assets will be listed in the Assets tab.
Agents can quickly view the details on the Asset by clicking on the Collapse (⏵) icon.
Assets can be also be unlinked by clicking on the delete icon at the rear end.