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Home > HappyFox ChatBot > Getting Started > Overview of actions in HappyFox Bot Builder
Overview of actions in HappyFox Bot Builder
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HappyFox ChatBot is a powerful tool to help businesses automate customer support by providing 24x7 support while deflecting repetitive requests and improving agent productivity. Actions are the building blocks of a flow. The following are the types of actions you may configure in the bot builder.


  • Bot Message: These are messages a bot sends to the user interacting with the bot. This could be a reply to a question posted or even a greeting

  • User Choice: User choices are buttons that a chatbot displays to a user. The expected user action is to choose one of the choices the bot displays 

  • Collect User Question: Configuring a Collect User Question action allows the bot to understand the user’s open-ended text questions. Using the HappyFox AI Search, the chatbot then recognizes the pattern of the query to find the best match from its repository. The top 3-4 matching questions are shown to the user as a user choice 

  • Show Guide: Guides are a curated collection of steps/information a bot can offer a user. Adding guides in your bot allows users to not only troubleshoot an issue step by step but the guide can also fuel the AI search 

  • Show Answer: Answers are another type of content you can configure your chatbot. These allow rich text and media to be added to their content. These are easier to manage and can be added one by one or in bulk. These also fuel the AI search 

  • Collect Information: Collect Information allows the bot to collect information like names, emails, phone numbers, and other customizable fields during a chat conversation

  • Trigger HappyFox Workflow: Use Trigger HappyFox Workflows to connect your chatbot to other third-party systems

  • End Conversation: Use this action to end the chat conversation





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