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Home > HappyFox Help Desk > Account Configuration > Asset Management > Migrating assets from one asset type to another
Migrating assets from one asset type to another
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HappyFox Asset Management makes it easy for admins to group or categorize assets into multiple asset types and customize each of them based on need. Click here to know more on asset types. Asset management in HappyFox help desk provides you an automated process to migrate the assets from one asset type to another easily. Follow the steps below to migrate the assets from one asset type to another,


Step 1

Navigate to the required Asset type - list view and select the assets that need to be migrated to a new asset type. You can also filter and select the assets, simply by searching for a specific asset category like Hardware, Software etc, or any custom field(s) associated to the assets based on the configuration done earlier.


Step 2

Click on the Migrate to Asset Type action on the Bulk Editing Action Menu at the top.


Step 3

Choose the asset type to which the selected assets needs to be migrated. 



Step 4 - Migration Settings



Step 4.1 - Destination Asset type selection

Based on the previous selection, the Source and Destination Asset types are displayed in the dropdown. Here destination asset type can be changed if required.

Note: Field mapping settings will be reset once the asset type is changed


Step 4.2 - Asset type settings (Info on Right panel)

During asset migration the above settings will be evaluated between the source and destination asset types. If any of the settings doesn’t match they will be highlighted with a yellow alert icon in the right panel. Click here to learn more about the asset type settings mismatch and impacts after asset migration



4.3 - Field mapping between source and destination asset type fields for migration


Source asset type fields

Based on the selection, all source asset type fields will be displayed on the left column. These fields will be in the disabled state and cannot be changed or removed. All source fields should either be mapped to a destination asset type field or discarded (ignored for migration) without which the asset migration cannot be initiated.



Destination asset type fields

All the destination asset type fields will be listed in the dropdown under the UNMAPPED FIELDS section. As the fields are mapped, the fields will be moved to the MAPPED FIELDS section in the dropdown. Name and Display ID are the two system defined fields that will be pre-populated and disabled.


Mandatory destination fields 

All mandatory destination fields should be mapped to a source field without which the asset migration cannot be initiated.



Discard field(s)

Choose Discard this field in the dropdown if the source field is not required or if it should be ignored during migration. If a field is discarded, any historical data associated with that source asset field will not be migrated and will be lost. 

Note: It is recommended to check the source assets data before discarding it for migration.



Map additional destination fields

Additional destination fields can be mapped to a source field by clicking on the ‘+’ button. This will be visible only when the destination asset type fields are more than the source asset type fields.



Step 4.4 - Migrate Assets

Once all the source asset type fields and mandatory destination asset type fields are mapped, the Migrate Assets button will be enabled. If it is not enabled, hovering over the button will provide contextual information on the relevant action to be taken as shown in the screenshot below.



Step 5 - Confirmation

Based on the selections and the field mapping configuration a confirmation popup will be displayed. Click on Migrate to initiate the asset migration.



Once clicked on Migrate, the asset migration will be initiated and the progress will be displayed as shown below. 



 Once the migration is successfully completed a banner message will be displayed as shown below.



Failures during asset migration 

If there were any errors during migration, those assets which encountered an error will not be migrated to the destination asset type. In such cases a banner message with a Download Errors button will be displayed. Downloading the file gives the error log to be downloaded. Error log will be a .csv file. The assets that failed during migration and the reason for failure are captured in this error log file. Multiple failure reasons will be separated using pipe symbol ‘|’ between them.



Various reasons due to which the assets migration may fail are given below,



Frequently Asked Questions


How long does the migration take to complete?

The automated asset migration process could take several seconds to minutes to complete based on the number of assets that needs to be migrated. You will receive a banner message once the migration is complete.


Can I migrate without mapping any source asset type fields?

No. All source fields should either be mapped to a destination field or can be chosen to be discarded (ignored) for migration.


Can I migrate without mapping any mandatory destination asset type fields?

No. All mandatory destination fields should be mapped to initiate the asset migration.


Can multiple source fields be mapped to a single destination field?

No. Two or more source fields cannot be mapped to a single destination asset type field. One source field can be either mapped to a single destination field or more based on the need.


Can one source asset type field be mapped to multiple destination fields?

Yes. Once source field can be mapped to multiple destination fields. Data from one source field can be migrated to two or more destination fields.

This can be done by mapping once source field to multiple destination fields. Use the + button to add a new row in the field mapping area and then choose the same source field to which you want to map different destination field(s).


Can I migrate asset data between two different data type fields?

Yes. Following cases are allowed.



Who can initiate asset migration?

Admins and agents who have access to manage assets permission will be able to migrate assets. 


Will I lose any existing asset data due to migration activity?

Depending upon the field mapping done between source and destination asset type fields there may be data loss if a field is discarded. If you choose to Discard a field and if any of the selected assets have any historical data associated to that field that will be lost after migration. It is recommended to validate all the assets field data before you choose to discard a field.



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