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Home > HappyFox Assist AI > Connect knowledge sources > Connect to Confluence as a Knowledge source for Assist AI
Connect to Confluence as a Knowledge source for Assist AI
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Assist AI can help deflect questions from employees by suggesting relevant answers from the added knowledge source. This article explains the steps involved in integrating your Confluence knowledge source with Assist AI.




For Slack users: You should be an Assist AI admin to complete the installation of Assist AI on Slack.

For Teams users: You should be a Global admin on Teams to complete the installation of Assist AI on Teams

Connecting Confluence to Assist AI

Integrating Assist AI with Confluence allows you to reuse your existing content from Confluence to help answer the employee queries from within Slack / Teams.

Steps to do on Confluence Account:




  • This takes you to the Confluence developer settings, now click on Apps Tab -> Manage Apps, choose user Installed apps and then click Settings.





  • Select Enable development mode and then click Apply.




Steps to do in Assist AI 

  • If you are using Assist AI on Slack, open your Slack Workspace → click on Apps → Assist AI → Home tab→ Manage Assist AI 

  • If you are using Assist AI on Teams, open your Teams workspace → click on Assist AI on the left tab → Home tab→ Manage Assist AI 

  • Go to the Apps section and then click Confluence from the Knowledge Source section

  • Now enter the URL and code copied from the Jira account.


With this, the integration between Assist AI and Confluence has been successfully completed.

Testing the integration between Assist AI and Confluence:

  • Open your Slack / Teams Workspace, head to Apps Section Assist AI

  • Click on the Messages tab

  • Enter a question from the knowledge available in your Confluence account

Assist AI will search for relevant answers from the newly connected Confluence knowledge source. Your Confluence integration and testing have now been successfully completed.


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