Analyze and benchmark your performance with respect to the Service Level Agreements (SLA) that you have created for your helpdesk customers through the "SLA Performance Report".
This Article pertains to "HappyFox Classic Reports".
Available on all pricing plans.
Where to locate "SLA Performance Reports"?
1. Login to your HappyFox help-desk account and go to Reports > Classic Reports
2. Select the appropriate one from the list of available reports.
3. Scroll down to the "SLA Performance Report".
Metrics Reported under "SLA Performance Report":
- Tickets Checked: The number of tickets that had at least one SLA monitoring it during the time specified.
- Tickets Breached: The number of tickets that had breached at least one SLA during the time specified.
- Target: The target goal percentage that you have set as a benchmark for the corresponding SLA.
- Achieved: The goal percentage that your helpdesk has achieved for the corresponding SLA. This value is calculated as :
100 - (Tickets Breached * 100 / Tickets Checked)
To sort the data according to any of the parameters, click on the relevant column head. You can also export these values to CSV or MS Excel files by clicking on the respective button.