Custom fields can be used to store additional information about a ticket/contact. Custom fields are of two types
Ticket custom fields: These are used to collect more information about the ticket, the issue type of the ticket, etc.
Contact custom fields: These are used to collect more information about the contact such as their subscription plan details, payment details etc.
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This article covers the steps of creating, editing and managing ticket/contact custom fields.
Who can create ticket/contact custom fields?
- Ticket custom fields can be created by any agent with Manage Ticket Custom fields permission.
- Contact custom fields can be created by any agent with Manage Contact Custom fields permission.
Note: Refer this article to know how to provide the above permission to an agent.
Steps to Create Ticket Custom Fields
Navigate to Main Menu > Manage > Custom Fields > Ticket Fields
Click on the + button under Ticket Fields tab
Configure the following field properties to create your new ticket custom field
Field Name: Name of the field
Type: The field can be of text/number/dropdown/multiple options/date format. This restricts the type of input the field can hold.
Default Value: Specify a default value in tickets created by agents using the new ticket form in the agent panel.
Depends on: Lets you make this field dependent on the value of some other ticket field thereby establishing a parent-child relationship between them. The ideal example is having “Issue Types” field depends on “Product”. Thus only after the product is selected, the respective “Issue types” gets displayed.
Note: You cannot edit the field type once the ticket field is created.
Internal Field: When set yes, only agents can view this field in the ticket detail and new ticket form.
Required: When set to yes, this field becomes a mandatory field to fill before saving any edit made on “Ticket custom fields”.
Required on ticket completion: When set to yes, the required check is made only when the ticket is moved to a “Completed” behavior status. It will not allow the agents to move the ticket to closure status until this field has a value.
Required on category change: When set to yes, an agent will not be allowed to change the category to a ticket unless this field is filled.
Help text for Agents: Lets you add a help text which will help your agents on how or what data to input for this field. This help text gets displayed in both ticket detail and new ticket form.
Associate Category: Lets you make this field available only for desired categories. Tickets from unselected category will not have this field.
Click on Create, you can see the newly created ticket field in the table view.
You will be able to see the newly created custom field in the new ticket create form when you choose the respective category.
Edit/Delete custom fields
Click the custom fields in the Ticket fields list view, to view the read-only form of the field as shown below. Click on Edit or Delete to perform the respective actions.
Steps to create Contact custom fields
Navigate to Main Menu > Manage > Custom Fields > Contact Fields
Click on the + button under Contact Fields tab
Configure the following field properties to create your contact field
Field Name: Name of the field
Depends on: Lets you make this field dependent on the value of some other contact field thereby establishing a parent-child relationship between them. Example: “State” field depends on “Country”.
Type: The field can be of text/number/dropdown/multiple options/date format. This defines the type of input the field can hold.
Note: You cannot edit the field type once the contact field is created.
Internal Field: When set yes, only agents can view this field in the ticket detail, contact details and new ticket form.
Required: When setting to yes, this field becomes a compulsory field to fill before saving any edit made on “Contact custom fields”.
Validation during new ticket creation when the “required” field is not filled
- Help text for Agents: Lets you provide additional information which will assist your agents on how or what data to input for this field. This help text gets displayed in both ticket detail and new ticket form.
Click on Create, you can see the newly created contact field in the table view.
You will be able to see the newly created custom field in the new contact creation form.
Note: If you are using Happyfox Classic, please refer to the attached documents.