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Reports: Agent Activity
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The Agent Activity report measures the competence of agents across your helpdesk. You'll be able to keep track of your team's productivity in terms of the actions they perform while addressing support queries. 

Available on all plans
Important Note: This article is about the new reimagined "Agent Activity Report".If you're looking for HappyFox Classic's Legacy agent Activity report, click here


Go to Reports >> Agent Activity.




Note: Visibility of this report is governed by a permission. Read more about Reports      Permissions here.

Summary Pane:

Overview tabs in the summary pane give you a gist  on some key agent activity statistics:

Maximum Ticket Closure: Displays the maximum number of ticket closure activities by an agent (Along with the corresponding agent name).

Maximum Replies Added: Displays the maximum count of replies added by an agent (Along with the corresponding agent name).

Maximum Notes Added: Displays the maximum count of private notes added by an agent (Along with the corresponding agent name).

Maximum Ticket Participation: Displays the maximum count of ticket participation actions done by an agent (Along with the corresponding agent name). Actions that leave an activity log on the ticket are considered for 'ticket participation' count.


  Note :

  • The above statistics are subject to time-frame and categories selected in the filter.   
  • Ticket participation actions count excludes ticket closure changes, replies added and notes added.

Count of activities performed:

This widget helps you have a quick overview of the total number of  various actions performed by agents such as 

  • Ticket participation.
  • Replies added.
  • Notes added.
  • Ticket closures.
  • Replies added without notifying.




Agent leaderboard:

Agent leaderboard allows you to identify high performing and low performing agents in your HappyFox helpdesk, for the given period of time, by listing the agents and their activities count.




Agent Distribution over Activities:

This widget gives a two-dimensional view of each activity performed against each agent who performed them.




Count of activities across time:

Count of Activities across time provides you the distribution of the count of various activities across time. You can refine this visualization in time by the hour, day, month, quarter or year.





Activity by agents across time: 

Activity by agents across time lets you visualize the time-based distribution of a specific activity among agents. You can refine this visualization in time by the hour, day, month, quarter or year.


Count of activities across time and Activity by agents  across time can be viewed in three visualizations:

  • Timeline Table

  • Heatmap

  • Line Graph.


Frequently Asked Question

1. What does ticket closure activity mean? Whom does ticket closure credits go to?

A: In the agent activity report, the ticket closure is considered as an agent activity. The agent who performed the ticket closure movement will get the credit. This may or may not be the ticket assignee. To know the distributions of completed tickets across assignees, please refer to the classic agent activity report.


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