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Home > HappyFox Service Desk > Account Setup & Configurations > Email Channels > How to setup SMTP for email channels in Service Desk?
How to setup SMTP for email channels in Service Desk?
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What is SMTP?

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is a protocol used for sending and receiving emails. It's a set of rules that govern how emails are transmitted and delivered over the internet.


How to setup SMTP in Service Desk?

Apart from using the HappyFox server email address to send out replies, you can configure custom SMTP for all the outgoing emails. Setting up an SMTP ensures all your email transactions happen using your own email server and is never marked as SPAM in your recipient's inbox.  Follow the steps to configure SMTP for an email channel

  1. Navigate to Main Menu > Manage > Email Channels > Email 

  2. Choose the three dots of the email channel for which you wish to set up the outgoing SMTP and click on Configure SMTP.

  3. Fill in the SMTP form with your server credentials and save it.

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How SMTP works?

Here's a simplified overview of how SMTP works:

  1. Initiating the Connection: The process begins when Happyfox mail server initiates a connection to your SMTP server. The Happyfox server is responsible for sending the email.
  2. Handshake: Once the connection is established, a handshake occurs between the sending and receiving servers. This involves the exchange of information to ensure both servers understand and agree on the rules for the email transfer.
  3. Sender Authentication: Happyfox mail server will have to authenticate itself with your SMTP server. This is typically done using a username and password to ensure that only authorised users or systems can send emails.
  4. Specifying Sender and Recipient Addresses: Happyfox mail server specifies the sender's email address and the recipient's email address. This information is crucial for routing the email to the correct destination.
  5. Message Transmission: The actual email message is then transmitted from Happyfox mail server to your recipient's server. This involves breaking down the message into smaller parts, known as packets, and sending them across the internet.
  6. Receiving Server Processing: The recipient's SMTP server receives the email packets. It reassembles them into the complete email message.
  7. Recipient Authentication: Depending on the configuration, the recipient server may also authenticate the recipient to ensure that they are authorised to receive the email.
  8. Message Delivery: Once the recipient server has successfully authenticated the recipient and assembled the complete email message, it is delivered to the recipient's inbox.


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