Tickets Dataset: Tickets dataset is used when you are looking to analyze the response, resolution, volumes, performance and other characteristics of a ticket. This dataset contains information on every ticket and the aggregation of data helps you understand the overall ticket characteristics. In the Tickets d…
A date filter determines the time range to extract the data for your visualization. This time filter affects all the visuals across your account. The date range selected will be saved until changed otherwise. Steps to be followed: * Click on the date range on the right-top of the page. * You can select a …
HappyFox BI allows you to combine the values of a text field values into groups to help you analyze them. For instance, let’s say you want to view tickets that are currently in 'Open' or 'In Progress' status against the rest of the other tickets, you need to combine all the ticket statuses except ‘open’, 'In Progr…
Filter and its types: There are three types of filters available within HappyFox BI, * Implicit filter * Explicit filter * Top N filter Implicit filters: Implicit filters allow users to choose a field to be a custom filter on the visualization. Implicit filter values are set in the settings tab and …
Data Tile: A data tile is suitable to depict a unit value of any attribute. Steps to build a Data tile using HappyFox BI: Basic Settings * Click on Add Visualization button. * Give a name for your visualization under the field Name . * Choose Data tile from the Visualization type dropdown. …