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Showing articles from BI tag

Glossary of Key Terms used in Happyfox BI

**These are a few common terminologies you will come across while using HappyFox BI.** **Visualization:** **A single table, tile or a graph that represents information. You can create and edit visualizations based on your business needs. It can also be referred to as a “Visual”. Learn more about _[creating a new vis…

What are the filters available in Happyfox BI?

**Filter and its types:** **There are three types of filters available within HappyFox BI,** * **Implicit filter** * **Explicit filter** * **Top N filter** ![][1] **Implicit filters: ** **Implicit filters allow users to choose a field to be a custom filter on the visualization. Implicit filter values are …

How to apply date filter?

**A date filter determines the time range to extract the data for your visualization. This time filter affects all the visuals across your account. The date range selected will be saved until changed otherwise.** **Steps to be followed:** 1. **Click on the date range on the right-top of the page.**** ** ** **![][…

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