Filter and its types:
There are three types of filters available within HappyFox BI,
Implicit filter
Explicit filter
Top N filter
Implicit filters:
Implicit filters allow users to choose a field to be a custom filter on the visualization. Implicit filter values are set in the settings tab and cannot be updated dynamically by users from the visualization. Multiple fields can be added as filters here.
How to add an implicit filter?
Click the ‘edit’ icon on the top right of the visualization.
‘Edit visualization’ page opens, navigate to 'Filter settings' under the 'Settings’ tab.
Click the ‘+’ symbol next to the ‘Filter By’ option.
Add a field by clicking on ‘+’ symbol next to ‘Select field’
Then set the field value condition.
Explicit filters:
Explicit filters allow users to choose a field to be a custom filter on the visualization. Explicit filter fields are listed as filter options above each visualization using which the user can make the filtration on that field dynamically. Multiple fields can be added as filters here.
How to add an explicit filter?
Click the ‘edit’ icon on the top right of the visualization.
‘Edit visualization’ page opens, navigate to 'Filter settings' under the 'Settings’ tab.
Click the ‘+’ symbol next to the ‘Select field for filters’.
Choose a field and its aggregation type from the ‘Add filter field’ dialog box.
Top N filter:
Top N filter helps us to limit the top/bottom N values of a certain chosen field.
How to add a top/bottom N filter?
Click the ‘edit’ icon on the top right of the visualization.
‘Edit visualization’ page opens, navigate to 'Filter settings' under the 'Settings’ tab.
Enable the toggle sign next to ‘Enable top N filter’
Click the ‘+’ symbol next to the ‘Top N filter’
Choose a field from the ‘Add Top-N filter field’ dialog box.
Then choose the field based on which the top N aggregation has to be calculated by clicking on the ‘+’ symbol next to ‘Aggregation field’
For instance, if you want to list the top 10 agents who handled the most number of tickets:
Agents field is chosen under the Top-N field
Count of tickets field is chosen under the aggregation field.
You can either list the Top or bottom-N of the filter field by using the ‘Select type’ dropdown. Updating the N value can be done by modifying the default N value (10). Only a single Top-N filter field can be added.