Dec 10, 2013
- Fixed bug where category it was possible to set the category prefix to more than 6 characters
- Sorting category listing to alphabetic order in My Queue, ticket list pages
- Open tickets from reports view in new tabs
- Added new columns Due date and Assigned to to reports tabular view
- Added a pending view filter to the ticket list page on the customer panel
- Fixed bug where the last workschedule in an account could be deleted, which also sometimes, did not save SLAs when they were added
- Fixed bug where if there were multiple phone numbers in the CSV source file, not all numbers were getting imported. Also, in the same import, fixed a bug where customer phone numbers when imported with a country code, was not saving with the actual country code, but with the country code set in the Default Manage of that account
- API Enhancements (Canned actions API end point, some changes to KB API)
- Unsubscribe link added to mailers and workflow for the same has been taken care of