Dec 10, 2013
New Features
- Zendesk importer
- OS ticket importer
- Ticket List view (Coming soon!)
- Tickets list view for Subscribed tickets only via advanced search
- Tickets list view for Unresponded tickets only via advanced search
- Webhooks - Available for ticket create and ticket update
- Webhook as a Smart rule action
- JIRA integration
- Ability to delete attachments in tickets
- Smart rules with work schedules
- New actions menu for contacts. Now possible to perform bulk actions for contacts
- Mobile app - iOS and Android support for the following: Insert Canned reply, Insert Knowledge Base articles, creating new ticket, advanced search for tickets
- New API end points for creating custom fields, canned actions, contact groups
- Now possible to bulk assign tickets via Mass reply page
- Sorting of category list in various drop downs
- Added Assignee & Due Date to the Tabular View in reports
- Now exporting Original Message of ticket in the export of a report tabular view
- Hyperlinking of Ticket ID and subject field in Excel export
- Ticket filter options in Customer Portal
- Add new tag option {{ticket_number}} to all notification templates having {{ticket_id}}
- {{tikcet_number}} is now also available in the Smart rules send email action
- Open Links from Tabular view in reports in a new tab
- Options to disable password for Customer panel login
- Support for search and choose assignee in ticket box for accounts with more than 25 staff agents
- New tag {{staff_username}} should be available in Smart Rules send email action and Contact Notification Reply Template
- Hyperlinking of URLs in Custom Field wherever applicable
- Initial redesign of custom fields for application wide enhancements
- Performance optimization while showing custom fields in the ticket detail page
- Mailreceiver improvements
- HTML source now available for canned action
- Prompt for discarding a message when the user has the Add Update/Add Private Note editor opened and switching to a different page
- New column-Last updated for tickets list in contact detail page
- Performing integrity checks of ticket properties used in SR/SLA/reports while deleting/deactivating these properties
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where when a ticket is assigned while moving to a category , the staff assignee notification is not sent
- Fixed bug where deleting all workschedules was possible
- Fixed bug where the category prefix was allowed to be more than 6 characters
- Fixed bug where the smart rule condition for "Message IS" was not working
- Fixed a bug where the sub filter for status was not selected in any view
- Fixed bug in import contact which was not honoring case in contact email ID