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Home > HappyFox Service Desk > Getting Started > Setting up Channels > E-mail > Create tickets from forwarded emails with original sender
Create tickets from forwarded emails with original sender
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If your service desk agents directly interact with your employees via email regularly, there's a high chance they'll receive issues reported through their personal email addresses. In such cases, your agents may want to create incident tickets to track and manage these queries and issues within the HappyFox Service Desk.

To achieve this previously, they would have had to:

  1. Create incident tickets manually within the HappyFox Service Desk application, or

  2. Forward the email correspondence to the HappFox Service Sesk email address to create a ticket (with the agent as the contact forwarding the mail). Subsequently, they'd need to update the ticket with the original requester's contact details.

This process is now streamlined !

Identifying the original sender

With the latest enhancement, your agents can directly forward emails from employees to the HappyFox Service Desk inbox, and the system will smartly identify the original sender and create an incident ticket on their behalf.


To ensure the contact is identified correctly, the "Forwarded message" tag added by your email client should not be removed while forwarding.

HappyFox Service Desk identifies the contact based on the email address specified in this tag. If no matching contact exists, a new contact is created in the HappyFox Service Desk database with this information. The ticket is then created on behalf of the identified contact.


  • When forwarding emails from Outlook, the original sender's email address seems to be missing. Due to this, the ticket is created for the person who forwarded the mail instead of the original sender. This issue is currently being investigated by our development team.


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