Bar Chart:
A bar chart is best used to summarize numerical values across a category. The variable that is analysed is on X-axis and a numeric value is aggregated on the other Y-axis. The length of each bar is proportionate to the aggregated value.
Steps to build a Bar chart using HappyFox BI:
Basic Settings
Click on the Add Visualization button.
Give a name for your visualization under the field Name.
Choose Bar chart from the Visualisation Type dropdown.
Select the preferred dataset and date range for which you want to build your visualization.
Now choose a field for X-axis. This is the variable within which you want to compare the values. The field type is generally a categorical or text variable. If a numeric field is chosen, it needs to be grouped into buckets. For eg, If you want to see the assignee with the most number of tickets, the Assignee should be brought on X-axis here.
Now choose a numeric field that needs to be aggregated on Y-axis. In the above example, it can be the Ticket count.
There are different ways to aggregate the field that you choose for Y-Axis. Some options are Count, Sum, Average, Percentile, Distinct Count.
Advanced Settings
Drilldown: If you want to add drill down fields, add them in the order you want them. Multiple fields can be added under drill-down.
In the above example, for a given assignee, if you want to drill down to view their ticket count across ticket priorities, add the field Priority as a drill-down.
Benchmark: Benchmark is a special feature available for Bar charts, which allows you to compare the values against the set benchmark.
Filter: You can choose to add the required filter conditions.
Sort: You can also sort the visualization as required.
Label Name: You can edit the Label (name) of your X and Y axes under the Visualisation settings tab.
Show Values: Enable Always Show values toggle to display the bar values all the time as opposed to the values being displayed only when hovered over.