Feb 14, 2025
The person who creates a HappyFox account is the account administrator of that account.
Only an account administrator can select a different person to be the new account admin.
Follow the below steps to select the new account admin:
Step 1: Log in to HappyFox with the current account administrator's credentials.
Step 2: Head on over to Manage >> Account Settings >> Basic Settings
Step 3: Click the field under Account Administrator, and select the respective agent member as the new account administrator. Please ensure the new admin’s role is set to a role that has “Manage Agents” and “Manage Billing” permission.
Step 4: Once you've made all the necessary changes, click Save Settings to confirm.
Note: If your account administrator is no longer with your company or the profile is inaccessible, please send an email to support@happyfox.com. Our back-end team would then manually change the role of "Account Administrator" to the requested person.