Jun 17, 2024
Integrating HappyFox Helpdesk with HappyFox Workflows allows for seamless automation and enhanced ticket management. Follow these steps to complete the integration.
Steps to Integrate:
- Log In to your HappyFox Workflows account
- Navigate to Apps Section in HappyFox Workflows
- Click on HappyFox
- Enter your HappyFox Helpdesk URL in the provided field. Note: Ensure you are the primary helpdesk admin for this account to initiate this integration.
- click the Approve button.
- Confirm the integration by clicking Confirm.
- The integration between HappyFox Helpdesk and HappyFox Workflows is now complete.
By following these steps, you can successfully integrate HappyFox Helpdesk with HappyFox Workflows.