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What are Assignment groups? How to configure one?
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Assignment Groups are a subset to team which consist of one or more agents who specialise in specific skills and areas, enabling efficient handling of support requests. Whether it's providing priority support, handling hiring processes, managing finances, or supporting developers, Assignment Groups ensure efficient ticket and task allocation within a team. By creating specialised groups focused on specific tasks, you can streamline the workflow and ensure that the right agents are assigned to handle relevant support requests.


How to create an Assignment Group?

There are two ways by which you can create Assignment group in Service Desk
1. Directly within a team from team details page 

2. From Manage > Assignment Groups page


Creating an Assignment Group directly within a Team from team details page

1. Navigate to Main Menu > Manage > Teams > Choose a Team > Team details page.

2. Choose the Assignment Group Tab. Here you can manage the assignment groups associated with the team

3. Click on the + Button.
4. Create Assignment Group right panel will open up
Provide the following details to create,

  • Assignment Group Name (mandatory): Enter a name for the assignment group.
  • Team (auto-filled): The team name will be automatically filled based on the team you selected in the previous step.
  • Associate Agents (optional): You can associate specific agents with this assignment group, ensuring that the relevant agents receive tasks related to the group's responsibilities.
  • Description (optional): Provide a brief description that outlines the objectives or responsibilities of the assignment group.

6. Click on Save.
7. Once saved, you will be taken back to the Team Details page where you can view the newly created assignment group.


Creating an Assignment Group from the Manage module

1. Navigate to Main Menu > Manage > Assignment Groups

2. Click on the + Button.

3. Create Assignment Group right panel will open up
Provide the following details in the right panel,

  • Assignment Group Name (mandatory): Enter a name for the assignment group.
  • Description (optional): Provide a brief description that outlines the objectives or responsibilities of the assignment group.
  • Team (mandatory): The team name will be automatically filled based on the context of creating the assignment group from the Manage module.
  • Associate Agents (optional): You can associate specific agents with this assignment group, ensuring that the relevant agents receive tasks related to the group's responsibilities.
  • Configure Email Channel (optional): Configure the email channel settings for the assignment group, to facilitate communications via email.

5. Click on Save.
6. Once saved, you will be directed to the Assignment Group details page. Here, you can view the list of assigned agents and other relevant information of the assignment group.


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