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What are Teams?
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Teams are groups of individuals within an organisation who collaborate towards a common goal or specific tasks. Setting up service desk teams is an essential aspect of effectively managing support services within an organisation. These teams play a vital role in addressing and resolving various organisational needs. You can create teams for IT, Incident, Request Management, Human Resources, Legal, Finance, Engineering, etc depending on your organisation needs. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating and managing Teams within Service Desk.


How to create a team?

1. Navigate to Main Menu > Manage > Teams.

2. Click on the + button.

3. Create Team right panel

A right panel titled Create Team will appear, allowing you to input the necessary details for the new team.

4. Provide the following details in the Create Team right panel

  • Team Name (mandatory): Enter a descriptive and recognisable name for your team. This name will help identify the team's purpose or function.
  • Description (optional): Provide a brief description that outlines the responsibilities or objectives of the team.
  • Visible to Requester (mandatory): Specify whether the team should be visible to the end-users in the service portal submitting support requests.
  • Configure Email Channel (optional): If applicable, configure the email channel settings for the team, allowing for seamless communication through emails.

5. Click on Save.

6. Team Details Page: Once the team is successfully created, you will be redirected to the Team Details page. Here, you can further manage the team by creating Assignment Groups and assigning Agents to their respective assignment groups and teams.

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