While HappyFox BI automatically syncs your Help Desk, Chat and Chatbot data daily based on your account's timezone, you may sometimes need to update your BI reports immediately after important changes. The On-Demand Sync feature allows you to do this manually.
There are two ways to initiate an On-Demand Sync:
Method 1: From the Data Sources list page
Go to Menu → Data Sources
Find your HappyFox application data source and click the Sync button
Click Yes on the confirmation prompt
The sync status is displayed on the button while the process is running
Method 2: From the particular Data Source Details page
Go to Menu → Data Sources → Your HappyFox Data Source
Click the Sync button in the top-right corner
Click Yes to confirm
The sync status is displayed on the button while the process is running
Monitor the sync progress using the Refresh button
You will receive an email notification once the sync is complete or if any issues occur.
Note: The On-Demand sync feature is applicable only for Help Desk, Chat and Chatbot Data Sources and is available only on specific subscription plans. Contact our Sales or Support team to know more about the availability of this feature.